Hillforts - A fan site
Sometimes you have to press enter/ return key, on your keyboard on the address bar to go to a page after you pressed on it's link.
A ultimate directory /
Links resource, to pages & videos
on hillforts, from across the web.
+ to it's right a article on castles and hillforts, their relationship, so a fusion page,

Castles and Hillforts,
A directory to many pages on hillforts
Now mostly the links that are not on my home page, plus in the middl some more to my pages,
The top bit of the list has what is
at the bottom of my home
page, but I have dozens more various links,
below there, so this can be my ultimate
directory for hillforts links.
I must add this disclaimer, these links were so, when I added them on 17th January 2021, I take no responsibility for the content on these websites, and recommend people have good anti virus scans, and such like, I know I try and make sure my pages are safe, but can not take responsibility for other peoples, I better add that warning disclaimer there for you, as top sites do, so I better as well. There are over 60 links on this page.
Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland
Wikipedia's page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillfort
English Heritage https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/
Cadw, the Welsh heritage agency
Historic Scotland
Canmore - Lots of historical things here, that also go into hillforts, in Scotland,
Website on the Rhynie area, where Tap o'Noth is,
Coflein a website that talks of a lot of historic and pre historic things, including hillforts, in Wales, quite detailed, in terms of pictures,
Megalithic Portal, a great database of hillforts, and local pre historic structures, I normally type a hillfort site's address, and this website, to find,
New Zealand's Hillforts, in Wikipedia,
Welsh hillforts
A advert for a T Shirt to do with hillforts I have helped with, and benefit in terms of sales of
Hillforts of the Clwydian Range
A beautiful video on Shropshire's Hillforts
A page on Ruapekapeka pa in New Zealand
A page on Lithuania's hillforts,
A funny review of the hobbit,
Yeats Byzantium, well he liked Celtic stuff,
Video of Penycloddiauhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb9R_Z0eM0Q
Wiltshire's Hillforts, from the air, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySsKDNWjbnA
Danebury Hillfort,
A castro in Spain
The Museum of Manching a great hillfort Oppidum in Germany
Castell Henllys https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Castell-Henllys-Iron-Age-Fort/
Dun Aeonghsa on Tripadvisor
Tap O noth a news style flash
The Picts a documentary
The brochs of Scotland, a documentary
Crannogs, a video on them
The largest hillfort in Sweden, it's massive,
Worlebury Camp Hillfort Group, Somerset
So as you can view, below, aside & before this article are dozens of links on hillforts, for this ultimate links page directory, for across the web on the subject, but here is the article for this page that I mentioned.
So castles are a structure that is the most famed and celebrated of ancient military installations. No wonder when you see many of them's their grandeur, and known history. Most people interested in history are fans of them. They it has to be said were the successors to hillforts in many cases. Why hillforts stopped being used is a open question.
The likeliest answer though is number 1, armies of greater technology, and often structures, such as the Romans, and in later times the Medieval armies of Scotland, England and Wales, made them useless. Sometimes by conquest, but sometimes just as those forces using hillforts realised better options were, and had to be used. Such as how in Wales and Scotland, many great castles are on old hillfort sites, I go into this further in my story. There are various other elements to this, such as hillforts lack of being able to cope with sieges, compared to many castles, and how armies became more structured to force sieges in the newer eras, but this paragraph summarises those.
Number 2 Walled towns were another competitor, after all as the famous Arab saying goes, if Mohamed won't come to the mountain, why not move the mountain, well what I mean there is, why not build a defence as good as a mountain by a port, or riverside, that is economically more viable, and closer to where many people in for instance economically important lowland sites live.
Number 3 The biggest of all, castles replaced them.
So all in all, castles are the successors to hillforts. Though not entirely, they are more than that, as there are places famed for castles which never had many hillforts, which kind of says how effective and useful castles are. Indeed, some hillforts fell into disuse, and became barely even ruins, just intriguing ditches and banks, on hillsides, and hilltops, while some luckier ones, metamorphized into the castles that lasted across the Middle Ages, and into part of the more modern era. As indicated by some of my other pages on hillforts.co.uk
So hillforts were of use, and likely they were the successors of previous fighting systems. They were successors to some small tribe building a fenced enclosure and hut on a hilltop, and in a arms race developed from there. As the hillfort eras went on, in cases they became more complex, and of course were followed by castles and walled towns, which themselves had their successors. As similarly castles had successors, in some cases, palaces, such as Prague Castle, or the mansions of Britain, and even they had successors such as more modern walled forts, and army bases, or just modern mega cities. Like for instance in Tudor England, and later Scotland the beautified mansion replaced the more foreboding castle. Which indeed of course would have their successors, in the big cities and the new landscape, and totally different society and economy of modern times.
That I humbly claim, "Ultimate" directory to many pages on hillforts
I must also of course add this disclaimer, that these links were so, when I added them on 17th January 2021, I take no responsibility for the content on these websites, and recommend people have good anti virus scans, and such like, I know I try and make sure my pages are safe, but can not take responsibility for other peoples, I better add that warning disclaimer there for you, as top sites do, so I better as well. There are over 60 links on this page.
The Late Bronze Age collapse
A you tube video on Ingleborough Camp, shock claim it is not a hillfort as in the classically defined sense, though my definition is broad, so it can be, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYfBqtsw600
Ray Mears at British Camp
How did the Romans take Maiden Castle
A blog by a archaeologist from Wales, talking of North Wales hillforts http://idigarchaeology.co.uk/
Catherthuns, Brown and White
A website that claims Moel Arthur has a relation to King Arthur, though others say there is no ancient folklore related, this is a source that claims otherwise,
British Camp from the air
A Somerset Pub Trip With Shaun Ryder | Perfect Pub Walks with Bill Bailey | Channel 4 (youtube.com) They see a hillfort in this, no mention of hillfort
Visiting Derbyshire's Highest Pub | Perfect Pubs With Bill Bailey | Channel 4 (youtube.com) they see Mam Tor in this, no mention of hillfort though, I have been there
Dinas Bran, on the castles of Wales website - a great website on castles and kind of hillforts in Wales. it has many pages
A paper from the Atlas of Hillfort group 2017 https://www.archaeopress.com/ArchaeopressShop/DMS/A72C523E8B6742ED97BA86470E747C69/9781789692266-sample.pdf
Website on Time Team, the famous Channel 4 Show I think it went on to Patreon as well though
The Denisovans, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNusMHoSdss
A page on Moel Fenlli, detailing some in depth thinking of it
Hampshire County Council's page on Danebury the most excavated hillfort in Britain https://www.hants.gov.uk/thingstodo/countryside/finder/danebury
A detailed very professional website on Navan Hillfort, or Emain Macha, as I call it
Maiden Castle English heritage website
The Modern Antiquarian, based on Julian Cope's epic guidebook "a massive resource for news, information, images, folklore & weblinks on the ancient sites across the UK, Ireland and Europe". This is their page on Penycloddiau, there are more
Ham Hill Hillfort
Cissbury - Ring Hillfort according to the National Trust https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cissbury-ring/features/the-story-of-cissbury-ring
Oldbury Camp according to the National Trust, at Oldbury Hill,
Borough Hill, or Burrow Hill Hillfort in Northamptonshire, a 19th Century remark on it
Here is a thought from Hillforts.co.uk about hillforts. Well many of us find it a good walk to go up a hillfort for exercise, achievement, and such. So these sites on what I could term a "links page" could be inspirations for people to go on responsible safe journeys up these sites. Well I wonder what about people with mobility problems, or those who live so far away, they are unlikely to have the time to see a hillfort that much, Well some of the walking up there vids, can be quite indicative of walking up a hillfort is like. Specially the ones where the camera is bouncing up and down, or you hear wind, or maybe just some nice music. So some folk could watch it that way, or even put on 3D glasses, and such, OK, that idea is maybe going too far. But it would be a way to entering this other world, this lost world, and how remote these structure snow are. Then compare that with some modern interpretations of how much less remote and hubs activity they were in their prime. If you have 3D glasses always wear them responsibly. My story attempts to imagine the land of hillforts for all people as well.
I mean they say the past is a foreign country, so you could say after you have visited hillforts. That the same way you have visited maybe India, or China, when you fly there and back, that you have kind of visited Iron Age Europe, if you visit a hillfort. As in I have visited Iron Age Europe You could even put a sticker like that on your rucksack I say or not.
A video tour of Tre'r Ceiri, you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4BuVDwHh1Q
Bindon Hill, according South West England walks page
Walbury Camp acccording to archaeology.org
Kate Bush's Cloudbursting a music video, that occurred at Uffington Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pllRW9wETzw
Promo for the movie, adaption of Far from the Madding Crowd from the year 1967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHkjskCqWI4
Castle Hillfort,on ancient monuments https://ancientmonuments.uk/118998-earthwork-defences-of-countisbury-castle-promontory-fort-brendon-and-countisbury/map
A great website on the Wrekin, to Caer Caradoc
More stuff on Maiden Castle, the William Barnes Society
A illuminating video by Aberdeen university stating Dunottar Castle may have been preceded by a other site, Dunnicaer Hillfort on a now reduced by erosion peninsula across the bay.
English Heritage Walking tour of Cissbury Ring and such hillfort on Youtube
Thomas Hardy's "A tryst at an Ancient earthwork" I say Parental Guidance recommended, but it is not rude, so maybe I am being silly there, It is a Victorian times short story on Maiden Castle, really a ode to the site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlHA_IRben0
A you tube video by National Trust on Hambldeon Hill, Dorset,
Hamden Hill Hillfort, Somerset, a drone view on Youtube
Richard Coates Maiden Castle, Geoffrey of Monmouth and Hārūn al-Rašīdhttp://www.snsbi.org.uk/Nomina_articles/Nomina_29_Coates1.pdf
A theory wondering if a Celtic term, Mai Dun, is not the reason for the term Maiden Castle, I prefer the Celtic term, as a origin idea, but this is interesting.
Also radiohead's 1993 video, Pop is Dead, was based at Wayland's Smithy. but I cant find the video and if I do and it is not official, it would likely be taken down, as musicians, I am sure are not doing this, but people working for their companies want to get profits on their songs, so people can find it oneself.
English place names search engine http://epns.nottingham.ac.uk/
Peter Gabriel's Solsbury Hill, of 1977, a rare song, that was very very successful, that is also the name of the hillfort
Dunluce Castle by the Irish Rovers, a kind of former hillfort site, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRzekIL6sXg
Oppida.org a French website, references European oppida
Including South East England's Devil's Dyke at Wheathampstead,
Scotland History Tours - Dunoattar Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY095n5S0rw
Scotlanders - Dunottar Castle, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbCtawYayS4
Ghosts of Dunoattar Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVvbMPPt_zY
Cambrian Chronicles - The last Celtis in England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FHRTpEhaAs
Old OS and such maps, you can see hillforts on these a website Archi maps of,
New Pictish stone discovered in 2020s by University of Aberdeen, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpr1JMekkTM
A youtube video, that I saw that helped me see the route for Ingleborough Mountain and it's Ingleborough Hillfort From Ingleton. Though I used maps as well.
and another
and another
Articles on Ingleborough and the area
A page on a site called My Yorkshire Dales, https://myyorkshiredales.co.uk/hills/ingleborough/
and a article on a site called Outdoor guide.
Interesting Coflein Article, on Pen Dinas Aberystwyth,
A Sketchfab 3D model of Old Oswestry
Maori Battle of Gate Pah Lindybeige
Dunluce Castle, by Edward Norman Hay,
Arnold Bax and his work Tintagel Castle
Mike Scott of the Waterboy's Edinburgh Castle
Mam Tor, and Hillforts, by Pete Kelly
Dumbarton Oaks, a 1938 concerto by Igor Stravinsky, not about the hillfort, at Dumbarton. The name of the work, is after a estate in the USA, and that location's name stems from the site Dumbartonshire, in Scotland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6gqiA8iIMo
A fine youtube video on Galashiels, The Rink https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6fyMAvBxow
And another fine Youtube video on Galshiels, the Rink, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P95XSZC_8c
And another fine youtube video on the 3 brochs of Galshiels.
A fine video on youtube on a Portuguese castro hillfort,
Fall of civilisations
Historia Civilis - Vercingetorix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMFiED6sAi8
Infographics Rome in the Teutoburg Forest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYiT7RprPY4
A website mentioning the fantastic site of Dún Bhaloir, or Balor's fort on Tory Island, Donegal, Republic of Ireland, https://stairnaheireann.net/2016/02/24/dun-bhaloir-balors-fort-the-anvil-tory-island-co-donegal/
Kings and Generals, talks of the Celts on Youtube, a military related you tube site
The Battle of Alesia, on You tube Historia Civilis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU1Ej9Yqt68
Rare Pictish symbol stone found near site of famous ancient battle - YouTube
Not really about the hillfort, or Pa location there, but still the name of a hill with a hillfort.
Local legends associated to Mither Tap's hills the Bennachie.
BBC's In Our Time, The Celts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-n9LD7OYd0
Toldinstones Roman Roads, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4egCVU3arVk
Maiden Castle - LARGEST hillfort in the UK! - YouTube Walking the Wyrd
Jethro Tull's 1970s song Dun Ringill, it is a broch and hillfort site in Skye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlrxyiIVFUU
Professor of Rock Mentions Solsbury Hill, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X8eDKPcoCQ
Edward Elgar's Caratacus, partly inspired by the Malvern Hills, of the famed, British Camp,.
A not that famous heavy metal band mention a hillfort in their lyrics see on Youtube, Thrawsunblat, Until ebb the waters,
Brave the IMDB entry,
This movie had a castle partly based on Dunnottar.
Very Tiny Hillfort (youtube.com) WC21 Productions) Castlesteads at the Helm, in Cumbria)
Burnswark: Roman assault on a hillfort in Scotland - YouTube
Visit the Malverns including British Camp
A Getty Images picture of Old Sarum, Hillfort,
AE Housman's Shropshire lad, lines on the Clee hills, including the beacon upon Titterstone Clee Hill, written 1887 From Clee to Heaven
Here Vaughn Williams, puts some of Housman's poems, to music,
In his Cycle, Wenlock Edge, it actually has 6 poems to music, 2 Bredon Hill, and Wenlock Edge refer to hills which have Iron Age forts.
got that fact off this website which searches Song Lyrics https://www.lyrics.com
George Butterworth's Bredon Hill, from a Shropshire Lad, from 1913.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shP-NrHqUxI
We didnt start the fire, medieval bardcore,
Bryn Terfel, sings Bredon Hill, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdmiEQYMBqs
John Ireland's symphonic rhapsody called Mai Dun, devoted to Maiden Castle hillfort, from 1921.
Denbigh Castle (castlewales.com)
The Day Silbury Hill Collapsed (youtube.com), not hillforts, but prehistory.
History Hits - Maiden Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgMZrr9v9sk
Pictish DNA, the Scythians and Ancient Pictish Symbol Stones (youtube.com) - PS I dont think the Scots were from Scythia, any more than any other people from, the likely Beaker people spreads.
Hill fort Hill Fort Derek Fiechter Hill Fort - YouTube
Scotland's glass hillforts Glass Castles: The Mystery of Scotland's Vitrified Forts - YouTube
Pen Y Crug Hillfort Pete Kelly
What Happened At Pen Y Crug? - The Story Of An Iron Age Hill Fort - YouTube
Is Trusty's Hill Scotland's Lost Citadel of Kings? - YouTube

Pictures on this page are both by me, so you need my permission to use them,. They are Conway Castle from the east,, with Deganwy Castle's lumpps in the distance, so kind of a hillfort behind. I say that is a fair thing to say, and Conwy Castle was it's replacement. Then down at the bottom the remains of Dinorben hillfort, a particularly damaged hillfort, after quarrying. Though to be fair, it did make it possible for large scale exacavations to be affored here. I must also say, this is my picture again, so need's my permission to be used.