Roman Empire 395 AD Mousemat
Roman Empire 395 AD Mousemat
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Famous gates

Famous Gates

There are many famous gates in the world. Here they are. 

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Built as a symbol of unity, in the 1780s by the Prussian king, it became a symbol, of a divided Germany in the Cold War, when Berlin was split, but now is a symbol of it's unity again. 
Gateway of India, Mumbai, India, built in Bombady to honout the arrival of the King from Britain, 
Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France Buily from 1806 to 1831, to honour French revolutionary, and Napoleon's early victories, 
Meridian Gate, Beijing, China, the largest gate of the Forbidden City in China, Beijing, completed in 1420, 
Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy was built 312 to 315, to honour Constantine, 
Puerta de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain built in the late 18th Century by the Spanish king. 
Washington Square Arch, New York City, New York, USA, built to commemorate George Washington, started in the 1890s. 
The wall of London, had Ludgate, Newgate, Cripplegate, Bishopsgate and Aldgate. Aldersgate, between Newgate and Cripplegate, was added around 350. Moorgate, earlier a postern then built later in medieval times. 
Maiden Castle gates are some fine Iron Age ones, that you still walk through today, to see the fort. 
Moscow had a triumphal style arch, the Red Gate, built like Prussia's but it was demolished in 1928 for expansions. 
Perth is known as the gateway to the Highlands. 
Stargate, is a fictional travel device, that allows travel between huge distances at rapid levels, 
The black gate is a Fictional gate in Lord of the rings style fiction, as is Isenmouthe.
The gate in Jurassic Park, go through there and you get in dinosaur country. 
The Gate to Women's country, is a gate in that book.
The gate in Peter Rabbit, of Mr McGregor, Peter and pals are always trying to get in, and one way is a open gate, 
The Factory Gates, in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Cholcate factory, so important to be opened, 
Anfield Gate, the Liverpol FC Gates, important to the club, 
My back gate, 
Your front gate, if you have one, 
The Dowing Street gates, built for security pruposes in the late 20th Century. But in keeping with the area. 
Westminster Portcullis, this symbol symbolises the building, and a few places in it look like this emblem. 
Bill Gates, famous computer billionaire, 
Porta San Pellegrino is a gate in the outer wall of Vatican City
Robert Gates, US military defence official, 
Watergate, This Washington area of buildings was given it's name, as of the physical area, and became the name for a scandal involving wire tapping and Richard Nixon, so for decades many scandals had the word gate added to make them sound scandalous, 
The "Eye of the Needle" was claimed to be a gate in the city of Jerusalem, that opened after the main gate got shut at night. Supposedly a camel couldn't pass the smaller gate unless it had the baggage taken off. A story transcribed  in the 15th or 9th century. But, there isn't accepted evidence for it being true. 
The gate that Troy allowed the Trojan horse in for, so good a gate. 
Gibraltar is the gate to the Mediteranean. 
Gareth Gatesm English singer
Melinda Gates, the wife of Bill Gates, 
Clwyd Gate, a part of the Clwydian Hills, 
Floodgates, Maeslantkering ("Maeslant barrier" in Dutch language) a storm surge barrier on the Nieuwe Waterweg, in South Holland, 
There are 7 city gates of Paris, Porte d'Italie, Porte Maillot Porte Saint-Antoine Porte Saint-Denis Porte Saint-Honoré Porte Saint-Martin
St Florian's Gate, Krakov, 14th Century, 
There are 9 gates in Ankh Morpork, 
The Kyber pass is a gateway to India, 
Shanghai and Hong Kong are gateways to China,  
Chepstow castle gates may be the oldest in Europe, 
Ibrox gates, at the Bill Struth stand, 
The Tower of London has gates, 
Finally saving possibly the greatest to last, Buland Darwaza in Fatehpur Sikri, in the far north of India. the door of victory built 1602 by the Mughals. 

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