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Index linking of my story and where to buy it's parts
So what I have done so far is upload as many parts as I can onto Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble. I uploaded them all onto Barnes and Noble first, as it seemed best to start somewhere. The thing is though Barnes and Noble Nook does not seem to be a item in the UK and most of Europe. So I have put it on Amazon Kindle as well. The price will vary, depending on the part.
The below picture is a link to the Amazon Kindle address where part 1 of my novel is.
This website, is best of all to advertise the book I have written devoted to this subject. If you like the idea of this website doing this, then you would may like the idea of the book I have written on the subject. This goes into further painstaking detail on the subject, creating a adventure story about the "Land of Hillforts, taking in Scotland, Wales, England, Ireland, and parts of Gaul. A book I have actually titled "The land of Hillforts". To see more of what I mean, about the splendour and interest of this era, then see this website or even if you want, the book of course.
The first part is barely 3,000 words long. I have put the book in parts as it is very long, the book spans just over 300,000 words, but that includes the long historical context element which goes after the fiction element. I am unsure if anybody would read the whole thing, as it is more a encyclopaedia style novel, even if it has a narrative, I have put it on both of these, So bon Appetit.
The picture below is the entrance to Part 1 of the story
There are effectively 53 parts to this work. Of which there are 29 parts which are the novel, then 11 parts that are my attempt at facts about the hillfort eras. Then the last 13 parts are all picture parts, of different hillforts, most of them are my photographs, but some are public domain.
So a big effort, anyhow, I will still time to time come back and make improvements, and that kind of thing, but is finished. It is as good as it gets, as otherwise it just gets longer all the time.
Plus big disclaimer, this North Wales orientated, but massively trying as hard as I can to do the rest of the hillfort realms as well, they are all the Land of Hillforts.
The Land of Hillforts, part 6, Without detailing the issue, a essay saying how The Land of Hillforts sees past the most horrible things that existed almost certainly in Celtic Culture, Sacrifice, yuk, it does not detail the horrible thing, but says why we should not tar the whole era with that brush, important, 2669 words. on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts, Part 7, The story gets going, dipping into context, and the like, 7012 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 7, on Amazon
The Land of Hillforts, Part 8, the story really gets going, with a raid on the fort, excitement, 4,495 words, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts part 8 on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 9, the story keeps a running, as it heads across the Clwydian hills, and their hillforts. 4019 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 9, on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts Part 10, The Iron Age times story heads from North East Wales, into Cheshire and Shropshire, down past Herefordshire, and to the glorious Maiden Castle, and the ports of Southern England, then maybe for some back again, 27,016 words,
Part 10 on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 12, The 3rd big journey of the adventures, they head towards South East England, I start talking of the Beaker People. 4691 words on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 12, on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 13. The DNA results of my family, you can skip, this, why did I put this in? 1671 words, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 13 on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 14, more talk about the Beaker people, a earlier people than the Iron Age, but very relevant to the tale, 2623 words. you can skip this bit as well on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 14, on Amazon. ,
The Land of Hillforts, Part 15, putting it in context, by talking of the Mesolithic and Neolithic, 1640 words on Barnes and Noble,
The Land of Hillforts, Part 15 on Amazon.
The Land of the Hillforts, Part 16, The end of the trip to South East England, 4885 words on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 16, on Amazon
The Land of Hillforts, Part 17, The start of the fourth big journey, of the novel, our hero travels from North Wales, to Bibracte, seeing the great Oppida of Gaul, 9203 words on Barnes and Noble,
The Land of Hillforts, Part 17 on Amazon
The Land of Hillforts Part 18, Our hero, meets a Italian, Roman trader, Italus, who tells him of the marvels of the world afar, of the Celts and the Romans, and more, true and mythical. 2036 words on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts part 18 on Amazon.
Part 19, So Italus starts talking about the people's of the world, and our variety, being a politically correct chap, our guy gets a bit uncomfortable at some of this talk, but it is fascinating to hear. 2962 word on Barnes and Noble
Part 19 on Amazon
Part 20, Italus tells more of the stories of Europe, and of the continental forts in Europe, while in this Gaulish fort. 18,427 words on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 20 on Amazon
Part 21, Our hero, heads away from eastern Gaul, towards Brittany, and then back across the Channel towards Britannia, 3555 words on Barnes and Noble
Part 21 of the Land of Hillforts on Amazon
Part 22, our hero travels into Iron Age Devon, Cornwall, and then South Wales, the story itself then heads off into Ireland, maybe with him, maybe not, you can find out. I say for here, the land of hillforts, becomes the land of crannogs, as well to some extent, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts part 22 on Amazon
Part 23, The story reaches Navan, or Emain Macha, in Ireland, and then talks of the culture, and the Celtic diaspora. 13,862 words, on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 23 on Amazon
Part 24, Our hero, Lugebelenus, enters Scotland assisting some druids from Ulster, Ireland, seeing Argyll, up to the western Highlands and Islands, including Skye, seeing the land of Hillforts become at stages the land of Brochs, and seeing the society of this stretch of territory. 10,632 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 24 on Amazon.
Part 26, A part of the story that treks a massive portion of Scotland, from the Highlands to the North East, and south again, Caterhuns, to Edinburgh, very extensive, and Dumbarton, and action involved here as well, seeing battles and conflict. 30,283 words. Also the druids talk of Ireland again and some of it's Iron Age wonders on Barnes and Noble.
Part 26, the Land of Hillforts on Amazon.
Part 27, The story heads into Northern England, seeing Cumbria, and Yorkshire, what later became Brigantes territory on Barnes and Noble.
Part 27 of the the Land of Hillforts on Amazon
Part 28, the entrance into Stanwick, a bit of a sin city, we talk of sexuality drink, gambling, shocking to many a young rural type, not all, at all, but this one for sure, including some personal rants. 3,320 words. You can skip this part if you like on Barnes and Noble.
Part 28 of the Land of Hillforts, on Amazon
The Land of Hillforts part 30, Apology, explanation for the story. 1441 words, on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 30, on Amazon.
Part 31 epilogue, the story has stopped, now it is my attempt at facts, so Rome and the sad story of hillforts demise, and the happiness of their survival in some areas of Britain through Rome's time on Britain, and a bit about Roman Britain. 12353 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 31, on Amazon,
Part 32, Factual again. The second epilogue, Rome's empire leaves Britain, the Saxons arrive in Britain, and hillforts come back in the west, among the Britons, a time which chimes with the story of King Arthur and such, a fascinating time. 11.344 words on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 32, on Amazon,
Part 33, More kind of factual elements, after the story. I talk about DNA, I am no expert at all on this subject, but make my layman guesses about what it means are where the Celtic peoples, and British peoples come from. Although I oppose racism, it is nice to know where people come from, and from there we should still make Politically correct and liberal conclusions, but it is lovely to know where we all come from. As I say, this stuff is changing all the time, but it fits in my storylines. 2530 words on Barnes and Noble
Then Land of Hillforts Part 33 on Amazon
Part 34, Mish mash of more interesting facts, today with the Cumbric language, or old North, Welsh., also the Faeroes, and loads of fascinating facts. , mentioning Celts as well. 12,932 words, on Barnes and Noble.
Part 34 of The Land of Hilforts, on Amazon.
Part 36, Some miscellany of interesting Celtic facts, some more about the battles between the Normans and the Welsh, and also like the recently Welsh territory of Archenfield, a bit of factuality about that, and some other interesting Celtic facts, like of some military moves by them, lots of stuff. Even the things about the languages and their situations and such. 4550 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 36 on Amazon,
Part 37, More about the demise of hillforts, across Britain and Ireland, and some equivalents of them in Europe and worldwide, 10691 words on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts, Part 37 on Amazon,
Part 38, A quite unusual thing, I talk about other amazing things from history that to me show how amazing the globe is as a scene of amazing stories and fantasy.. 3458 words, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 38 on Amazon
Part 39, A complete detour, I from a amateur not at all expert level go on about human evolution, just as I find it interesting. Its amazing where we come from, its puts hillforts achievements in total perspective.
A real wandering way forward by me.
Anyhow, it is 6984 words on Barnes and Noble
Part 39 of The Land of Hillforts, on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts Part 40, The final bit, other than the pictures on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 40 on Amazon,
Part 41, 24 pictures and maps of Ireland, related to my story, mostly mine, and mine are not anything other than amateur at best, but relevant to the story. Don't want to oversell myself there. I just wanted Ireland to have it's own section in terms of pictures, on Barnes and Noble,
The Land of Hillforts Part 41, on Amazon,
Part 42 Another part of the Land of Hillforts, my fake battles, and fakes forts that I created, plus some great examples of Iron Age Artefacts, shields, coins, and more. Pictures include,
Pictures here include, some public domain pictures of Iron Age artefacts I got from Wikimedia Commons, such as shields, and such. Plus also manipulating public domain pictures of Iron Age forts, I have made them not public domain anymore, by manipulating them into my own scenes and pictures. Plus some pictures of Iron Age and other old items I have located, and some drawings of them my myself. It is the fake forts I created that are best for me, although many are on other front covers of these works, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 42, on Amazon.
Part 43 of the Land of Hillforts, Pictures of hillforts and countryside and related subjects and maps, related to my story, The Land of Hillforts, in terms of when it talks of England including Cornwall.
Some by myself, most of which are not that good, plus some by others some are often better, which I got from searching the internet for public domain pics, I will say which are mine, and
which are not in the main. There are over 100 pictures. Some just the
odd one like for From Tintagel, to Bamburgh, to British Camp, and numerous other forts, to Glastonbury area, that are usually public domain and not by myself, with Maiden Castle, but some by myself, including my Iron Age Age map of England, which is also on my maps part, part 46, plus mainly only on this part, almost a couple of dozen at Offa's Dyke in Clun area, over 30 of mine of Old Oswestry, and
a little less than that of the Wrekin, and a few of my poor ones of British Camp in between. Not comprehensive, but some things which may be of interest to some, on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts Part 43, on Amazon.
Part 44,About 150 pictures of mine related to Moel Hiraddug, and a much smaller amount related to Marian Ffrith. Moel Hiraddug the hillfort by Dyserth, Denbighshire, near Rhyl. A stand alone element of the work The Land of Hillforts, Part 44 of this work, but the pictures may be of use to somebody. Taken by a fan of hillforts, who is not at all a professional photographer, so I am not guaranteeing the quality of the pics, but these are the best ones I took. It is all related to the story, The Land of Hillforts. There are also some maps I made related to this site as well, and Welsh hillforts in general. Including some fun pics, I created by copying and pasting pictures of roundhouses, and also using some other things for fun pics, on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 44, on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts part 45, overseas pictures and maps. They include lots of holiday taken photographs, from France to Spain, to Italy to Greece, to Brazil, to Austria to Slovakia by me. Plus lots of forts from public domain from France, Germany, Czech Republic and the likes. Nothing special by me, but connected to my story. There are about 100 pictures including maps, and the splitting of the maps into their pieces. There also some pics of New Zealand and Lithuania forts, none by me, but I like them on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 45, on Amazon.
The Land of Hillforts, Part 46.
This here are the maps, and fort diagrams, I created in terms of the story, and the subject matter of hillforts and the Iron Age. I have some maps, a small amount that are other's maps, I mention so in those cases, but far more so, my own maps, and own fort plans. I have Scotland, Wales, North Wales, Ireland, England, and Europe as a whole, in terms of those maps. Plus a few very low quality amateurish level fort plans I created. I use symbols and such on the maps, to get a feel of the era on them, as indicated by my front cover. I am very proud of my maps, some are better than others. Some appear on other parts of the story. There are also some puzzles, poorly copied from my website in here as well on Barnes and Noble.
The Land of Hillforts Part 46 on Amazon
Part 49 Of the Land of Hillforts. Numerous pictures of various
North Wales forts and locations, the second part of five, that is of numerous
pictures of Welsh mostly North Wales locations, this part just has North
Wales locations. Well over 170 pictures of these Land of Hillforts related
pictures of these sites. Including these stated, in this order
A map,(There are more in part 48, which also appear in 46), about 8 of the
area by the Dinorben Hillfort's remains, and such, it is by St George near Abergele, over 24 of the Foel Fenlli, or Moel Fenlli hillfort, area, over 25 of together the Holyhead Mountain Caer Y Twr, and the Holyhead Mountain's
west side Hut Circles, Little Orme, Over 30 of Llandudno and
Pen Y Dinas Hillfort, Llaneffyd, Llanrwst, Over 21 of Moel Arthur and area,
Moel Famau, Over 15 of Moel y Gaer Bodfari and area, Over 2 dozen of
Moel Y Gaer Rhosesmor and area, And over 24 of Pen y Corddyn Mawr
and area towards Llandulas, These can be used as part of my story, though some may have stand alone uses for the pictures, as individual parts or more.
I do not claim to be a professional, these are just barely amateur level photographs, but may be of use to somebody on Barnes and Noble
Part 50 Of the Land of Hillforts. Numerous pictures of various North and Mid Wales forts, and locations the third part of five, that is of numerous pictures of Welsh mostly North Wales locations,
I better say most of the photos are mine, and need my permission to be used
elsewhere, also though there are some public domain pics I found online that
I have noted are so, in most cases I hope all cases, Over 165 pictures
Including these stated, A Map, (There are more maps in part 48, which also
appear in 46), Over 35 Pictures of Pen y Gaer Fort area in Conwy County, 24 of the area round Penmaenmawr's demolished Braich y Dinas, Prestatyn Roman Baths, and Dyserth Waterfall, Rhuddlan Castle, Twt and River, Rhyl and Kinmel Bay Beach, Snowdonia, Then over 100 of Gaer Fawr area, near Guilfield, and Welshpool, Montgomeryshire, Powys, Mid Wales. Including some of Breidden Hill
From a distance from there, also near Welshpool.
This is useful as part of reading my story, but also could be used as stand alone for anybody wanting a look at these sites.
I do not claim to be professional photographer, I am way below that level in my pictures, but these may be of use to somebody wanting to explore this amazing and wonderful but lost and mysterious world that is the land of Hillforts on Barnes and Noble
The Land of Hillforts, Part 51, this is the 4th part of 5, of numerous pictures of various Welsh forts and locations. This part like some other parts, only has images from North Wales. This part has over 150 pictures of numerous North Wales hillforts and related subjects
Including these stated, A map, (There
are more maps in part 48, which also appear in 46), Over 55 pictures of Tre'r Ceiri and area, and 18 of Dinas Emrys and Beddgelert area, about 5 of Glyndwr's Castle also known as Glyndyfrdwy Castle Mound, About 7 of
the Gop Monument area, A few of
Caernarfon Roman fort, and medieval castle, Not many of Bodelwyddan church and castle and Kinmel manor area, About 27 of Bryn Euryn, Colwyn Bay Rhos On Sea Hillfort. About 56 of Penycloddiau.
I do not claim to be a professional photo taker, but what I can say is that, this work is useful for my story, and possibly it could be use for stand alone purposes, for those who want to see these fine sites and their pictures, not that mine are brilliant, but they reveal interesting things.On Barnes and Noble
Part 52 the final part of The Land of Hillforts this is also the 5th part of 5, of numerous pictures of various locations in Wales, with a relationship, to the story mentioned in the title. or piece of interest to their own,
There are numerous pictures of various Welsh sites, with over 150 pictures
in this order, Map, (There are more in part 48, which also
appear in 46), over 130 of Welsh Countryside, and places, mostly North Wales,
About 9 of Dinas Bran, Not many of Dolwyddelan Castle, About 6 of the Halkyn Hills, About 5 Of Deganwy Black Rocks Fort area, Castle Tremlyd,
Lastly 12 of Deganwy Castle, Anyway, almost all the pictures are
mine, and in those cases can only be used elsewhere with my permission.
There are also some public domain pictures, I got off the internet I have
no power over, and I think I say which ones are in almost all cases I hope.
The countryside pics, in small numbers include include Denbigh area, Whiteford Dyke, Towyn South Gwynedd beach petrified tree stumps not the huge area, but some, Whitford Tower, Cerrigydruidion, Conwy Valley, Bontnewydd Cave, Offa's Dyke near Llangollen, Blaennau Ffestiniog, Harlech Beach, Watts Dyke, and more on Barnes and Noble,