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30 Quiz questions on Hillforts
1: There is a Maiden Castle in Cheshire, Cumbria, County Durham, at least one in Aberdeenshire, and also one in Dorset and North Yorkshire. They are mostly hillforts, but one is a Roman fortlet, and some are variously described as a Iron Age settlement and a promontory fort. Which of these counties contains the Maiden Castle, which with a interior at 47 acres is among the ten largest in Britain?
2: Which hillfort is often compared to a traditional wedding cake, as of it's features?
3: Which hillfort is the largest wholly within Wales, and easily in the top 10, of the largest hillforts in Britain.
4: Name the hillfort on Wimbledon Common in South West London?
5: Which site in Cornwall is often associated to King Arthur, and was certainly a Dark Ages caste or hillfort?
6: Which town on the Clyde, has a site known as "The Rock", including a castle, and a ancient hillfort, that has a claim to being the longest continually occupied fortification site in the world?
7: On which group of islands of the British Isles, would you find the brilliant half circle shape, hillfort of Dún Aonghasa?
8: What according to a wide range of experts is the popular link between the sites of Navan Fort, Emain Macha, and Isamnion?
9: Which hillfort is the highest in the British Isles?
10: Which major Dark Ages battle, fought by King Arthur, is said by many to have been fought by the hillfort of Liddington Castle, in Wiltshire?
11: Which hillfort in Southern England, has the same name as a song by Peter Gabriel?
12: Which hillfort provided inspiration for works of art by John Ireland and authors Thomas Hardy and John Cowper Powys?
13: Which hillfort is the largest in Scotland?
14: Which hillfort was a very early rallying ground for Owain Glyndwr's fifteenth Century Welsh uprising against the English crown's rule?
15: What is the name of Oswestry's much acclaimed hillfort?
16: Which hillfort in Argyll, is said to have been the ancient capital of Dal Riata, where the Scots from Ireland were based?
17: Which hillfort in Northern Scotland was shockingly destroyed by a housing project in the 19th Century?
18: Which of these is not as far as we are aware the location of at least one hillfort?, or included in that category a promontory fort, The Scilly Isles, the Shetland Islands, Arthur's Seat, Birmingham,
19:Where would you find the very similar site, compared to hillforts, labelled Castros,
20: What do 14th Century Lithuania, 19th Century New Zealand, and 1st Century Britain have in common.
21- Was Capitol Hill, in Washington, chosen as the location of Congress, as of it being able to be defended like a hillfort,
22. Which hillfort is also the name of a major British chocolate making company,
23 What country of the British Isles, has Caer Caradoc in, Scotland, Wales, England, Cornwall, The Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, or the Republic of Ireland. There are a number of Caer Caradocs, so I am referring to the one which is not the one nearest to Cerrigydruidion, in North Wales, which is called Caer Caradog and Pen Y Mont anyway, and is not the one nearest Chapel Lawn and Clun in the extreme South West of Shropshire ( 2021 ) (As in about 30 miles from the centre of Shrewsbury in 2021). The one I am referring to is 459 metres high, and 271 metres in prominence roughly. Plus is also noted for the nearby Caractacus' Cave.
23 Which country of those is Caerau hillfort in,
24 What county is Danebury Iron Age Hillfort in,
25 Which of these is a hillfort, Yeavering Bell, Yodelling Giraffe, Augusta's Wood Camp, Rowentree's Camp, Irontagel, New Oswestry, New Sarum, Inglethorpe Camp,
Moel Lancelot, Norwaybury, and Cornish Camp,
26 Which hillfort is famed as having a footprint, where kings were supposedly ceremoniously enthroned, as Kings of the Scots,
27 Which Gaer Fawr hillfort is famously the site where a Iron Age boar figurine was found,
the one in Brecknockshire, or Montgomeryshire,
28 Which of the 10 largest hillforts in Britain has a name very similar to the old
name for Edinburgh Castle, the Medieval name,
29 Which great Gaulish hero was defeated by Caesar at Alesia,
30 Lastly a riddle, I am not good at these so this is the best I can do,
King Arthur in legend was here at a time,
But they say that about plenty of forts, so that hardly limits the line,
But a chocolate would do well, here, it fits the name,
To be specific of the site,
The same line could be said of nearby villages,
Unlike other fortifications that could the name typed,
The same could be said of
The Answers: 1: Dorset, 2: British Camp, 3: Penycloddiau, you could even say the "world" if you were being a stickler, in terms of definition of a hillfort, being just those in the British Isles, though that is a kind of misnomer. 4: Caesar's Camp, 5 Tintagel Castle, 6: Dumbarton, 7 The Aran Islands, 8: It is very likely all these terms are referring to the same site, certainly the first 2, the English and Irish Gaelic terms, the last just a possible reference in old Classical texts. 9: Ingleborough, North West England, 10: Mons Badonicus, or the Battle of Badon, or the Siege of Badon. 11: Solsbury Hill, 12 Maiden Castle, 13 Tap o' Noth, 14 Caer Drewyn, by Corwen, North Wales, 15: Old Oswestry Hillfort, 16: Dunadd, 17 Burghead, 18 Trick question, none of them, 19: Spain and Portugal, Iberia, 20, They were both eras, where the structure very well described as hillforts, saw major challenges to their existence in those territories, indeed in cases a end to their use.21, no, it was as it was a pedestal looking for a monument, according to the designer, 22 Cadbury, 23 England, a rare fully Welsh name in England, quite close to Wales though, not as close as the one in Chapel Lawn, and this one is about 13 miles from Shrewsbury and it's centre in 2021, and could be termed to be just inside the south western quarter of Shropshire. Which is why my question was so mangled. 23 Wales, 24, Hampshire,25 Yeavering Bell, 26 Dunadd, 27 Montgomeryshire, 28 Maiden Castle, 29 Vercingetroix, 30 Cadbury Castle, South Somerset,
Quiz on British Pre-History
Answers nearer the bottom of the page
1 Does Stonehenge have over 20 stones or less than 20 stones
2 What H is the name for the significant prehistoric monument that holds within it the Stone Circle of Avebury
3 What is the name of the old stone age before the Mesolithic and Neolthic
4 Is the largest prehistoric manmade mound in Western Europe, Silbury hill, over 40 feet high or under
5 Which hillfort in South West Wales, had a experimental archaeology system, that for instance as far back as the 1990s, had a Thatched Iron Age style, Roundhut, built in it,
6 Which hillfort in Southern Scotland was able to fit hundreds of people in, and was said to have been used for traders by people in the 20th Century, and has the initials T L
7 Which of these is not a pre-historic monument stone circle, Maiden Castle, Stonehenge, Uffington White Horse, Urquart Castle,
8 Are there over 1000 hillforts in Britain
9 Were they used in the Iron and Bronze Age
10 What event caused Hengistbury's Hillfort, to stop being the main trading centre for Britain towards Europe,
11 Which WWE wrestler's name, is also a label, for a hillfort site on the Clyde.
12 . Which hillfort is situated near Salisbury,
Answers:: 1 It has over 20 stones, 2 Henge, 3 Paleolithic 4 Over, 5 Castell Henllys, 6 Traprain Law, 7 Urquart Castle, 8 Yes, 9 Yes, 10 The Roman crushing of Brittany's Veneti, which saw trade start moving via the South East instead of the area of Middle of the southern coast England. 11 The Rock, , 12 Old Sarum,

Can you get all the words in my wordearch. Sorry the letters are a bit blurry, but that will have to be part of the difficulty.
Maiden Castle
Old Oswestry
British Camp
Caesar’s Camp
Dún Aonghasa
The Rock
Traprain Law
Tre’r Ceiri

Can you get to the centre of my hillfort maze
Now, a riddle on Hillforts.
I am a hillfort, what some say a great hill, I am 1, 2, even five,
It is written backwards here,
seltsac nediam evif revo era ereht
2 super short poems
Tintagel Castle is in Corn
Improving the hillfort's defences with it's Walls,
But in other cases like British Camp,
just moved their own bases to other lower encampments
Then, last poem
If you want to see a place called Camelot
Where it in legend had a guy called Lancelot,
Then why not see Cadbury Hillfort,
A major, Iron Age, Dark Ages and tourism ace shot.
So just before the last quiz.
Here is a game where you can see if you can spot how many times the Letters H I L L F O R T S are in a row, whether as part of a same word or not. I have not written the answer.
So for the sake of it the characters are Jack, Jill, Mr Illforts, and the Reverend, priest or minister, . I better say, when characters say H, it means they are shocked.
So Jack and Jill were in a sleepy little village in 1909, in a rural rustic idyllic little place in Ireland or Britain.
They were at the foot of a hill that is a hill fort, and like not all hill forts atop it is a well. So Jack says
Jack: Lets go up the hill Jill and get a pail of water, for your mother to do the cooking.
Jill: OK Jack, lets go up the path
On the way they meet the reverend/ Priest, Rector, Minister elder whatever.
Reverend: Hello Jack and Jill, I am on my way to Mr Illforts, he is a bit ill, could you bring some water for him.
Jill: H Illforts is ill, we should
Jack stuttering a bit on the climb up in his voice: Yes we w H ill for such a good guy. sorry to hear he is ill,
Seconds later,
Jack: Its amazing this old hill used to be a hill fort site,
Jill: Yes, but pretty dilapidated after all that quarrying,
Jack: Yes, a pretty ill fort site a ha ha h hill fort, h ill fort so to say.
Jill: I don't know why you are laughing that was awful,
Jack: Oh well
Jill: How do you spell Hill fort, is it H i l l f o r t or h i l l space f o r t,
Jack: I don't think it matters, I say H I L L F O R T
At the top of the hill,
Jill: I wonder how far you can see from the top up her,
Jack: From this Hill for tens of miles and miles, maybe,
Jill: I wonder if of this hill forty miles
Jack: Maybe in some directions, but in some of this hill four miles. But I think that big city near us, may be of this hill forty seven miles away. and we can not see it, so maybe off this hill fort we should find out.
Then on the way down,
The Mum, Dad and brothers of Jill are there,
Mother of Jill: Where are you going with that water,
Jill: It is for Mr Illforts, he is ill, the reverend asked,
Mother of Jill, OK see you later,
Jack: Here is Mr Illforts house,
Just then they see a large dog running up the lane, Jill was just about to say Hi, to the reverend, but changes course of her chatting, she was just about to see look, stops in mid course and almost about exclaim a shrieking exclamation of annoyed sounding words, but then shouts, something else,
JIll: Hi ll for ts
Phew, it's rover, he just wants wants to say hello,
She pats the dog
The dog, then heads off to the newsagent to pick up a paper for his owner,
Along behind is a cat that purrs and walks past, it's name is live life to the fullest or LLF, then again it may be the cat known as Top shot,,
Jill: Hi LLF or Ts
Jack knocks the door,
The reverend lets them in, Hi Illforts, here is that water
The reverend thanks them,
Reverend: can you take this letter to the post box, it is a return to sender, on your way back, it is a letter for one of my former staff, he left the church a few weeks ago,
Jack: oh a RTS,
Jill: How do you pronounce where it came from,
It is the town with a very long name in Anglesey, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
Jack, H I shall pronounce it,
He starts reading it, then having a other look, stops and tries to change the subject,
Jack, H I LL for tsars in Russia, do they shave a good functioning postal service in Russia, anyway, hmm I just remember I can post this in the letter box on the way home, yes,
Reverend: I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I assume they do, I had letter last week, from a pen pal there.
Jill: So I see the letter is going back to a Mrs Hillfo, we can get this rts right away then a good case of Hillfo rts
Jack, Yes well we better be off then, hope you get better soon Mr Illforts,
Reverend: Yes, his daughter is coming back, to look after him tomorrow, I read that in a other letter, Beccah illforts was her name, but now she is known as Beccah STROFLLIH (Thats hillforts back words),
Mr Illforts: her husband is staying in the town where they live though and their home, they work at TROFLLIH Hall, they are servants there, they live at a cottage which due to changes in spellings, of similar root origins, is known as Trof Llih cottage, Strof Llih Lane, apparently the family have lived there for years, so they and the hall have similar names.
Jill: Hm fascinating,
Reverend: Ok , well we better all leave, have some rest Mr illforts. Or my name's not Reverend Howard Ian Lawrence Louis Forts,
Mr Illforts: Yes, Rev H I L L Forts
Mr illfors: Thanks, bye,
So Jack and Jill then go up the hill and fetch another pail of water, from the Hillfort.
A last message from the narrator, and that was brought to you by H I L L F O R T S . U K or hillforts.co.uk
OK almost very lastly, a last quiz,
Questions then Answers below,
1 Which of these teams does not have a hillfort, or castle that is likely atop a hillfort? on it's badge. Edinburgh City FC upto 2022 then FC Edinburgh, its successor name, Hibernian, Dumbarton, Dorchester Town FC, Edinburgh Rugby, Stirling County Rugby Football Club, Akropolis IF(Actually they are in Sweden, ,
2 Which of these hillfort sites is not miss spelt, in terms of the normal English language use official type spelling, Dunbarton, Sant Michael's Mount in Cornwall, Penycloddiau, Ceasar's Camp, Maiden's Castle Dorchester, Dunnadd, Brittish Camp,
3 Which 2 of these districts is not named directly partly after a hillfort, they are areas that exist now, unless stated,
Telford and the Wrekin, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire, Dumbartonshire (old name), Manchester, Dundee, West Ham, The Kingdom of Alt Clut (Dark Ages), Kingdom of Pengwern ( Dark ages Welsh kingdom in legend", KIngdom of Dunbroch of Disney's Brave, based on Dunnottar and Eilean Donan, so hillforty. The Kingdom of Dunbar, a Dark Ages state.
4 Which of these is miss spelt, Dumbarton Castle, West Dunbartonshire, East Dumbartonshire, according to early 21st Century official usage.
5 What league do the football team known as the Broch play in, Scottish Highland League, Scottish Premiership, English Championship, La Liga,
6 Which major city in New Zealand was named after a Scottish city's Gaelic name, and includes the actually ancient Gaelic term for fort, so in a sense was so after a hillfort. In a kind of way.
7 What battle in World War One, has the Celtic term for a fort in it's name,
8 Which of these is not a Celtic term for hillfort or a fort, or kind of a hill, Dun, Caer, Gaer, Burgh, Moel, Foel, Ben, Pen,
9 Which South American country was also a name for a island in legend, in Irish myths.
10 Which just 3 of these places which have been capitals, including capitals, in countries that are in union, or autonomy with other countries, has never been based around a tenuously possible hill fort site, well OK, location or site that was maybe a hillfort, but was certainly a castle on a hillfort style site,
Bratislava, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, Barcelona, Madrid, Athens, Washington DC, Canberra,
11, Which of these sports stadium names, kind of references in a even side way, a site that was likely a hillfort. Dumbarton Football Stadium, Tynecastle, Dunedin Stadium, a former name of the major rugby team there's stadium,
12 What is the name of the hillfort that sits on the Herefordshire Beacon.
13 Which of these hillforts, has a Paris metro station, London Underground station or New York Subway station named after it. as of 2021, Maiden Castle, Alesia, Caesar's Camp (Wimbledon), Cadbury Castle, or Kelheim, 14 Spot the deliberate miss spelling, Maiden Castle Billfort, 15, Which of these terms is plural, oppida or oppidum,
16 Which of these places or people, named after or from Edinburgh, Castle or Edinburgh Hillfort in a sense, is not actually named after Edinburgh or of a name from that origin, Edinburgh Airport, Scotland, (a lot have a place like a nation after to indicate which Edinburgh I mean, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Agreement (1992), Edinburgh (novel), a novel by author Alexander Chee, Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes, a 1878 travel book by Robert Louis Stevenson, Edinburgh basketball team, in 1977–1987, County of Edinburgh, the formal name of Midlothian until 1890, Duke of Edinburgh the 20th century one, and his succesor, Justin Edinburgh (1969–2019), English footballer, City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh, South Australia. RAAF Base Edinburgh. Edinburgh Island, Nunavut. New Edinburgh, Nova Scotia. New Edinburgh, Ontario. Dunedin, Otago NZ. Dunedin Town Hall, Dunedin Stock Exchange Building, and Dunedin Public art gallery, and the Dunedin Sound. Edinburgh, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Edinburgh, Indiana. Edinburgh, the original name of Titusville, Pennsylvania. Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Edinburg, New Jersey. Edinburgh, Ohio. Edinburg, Texas. Edinburg, Virginia. Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, main settlement of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic. Edinburgh Hill, point in Livingston Island. South Shetland Islands, Edinburgh Peak highest summit of Gough Island. Edinburgh Woollen Mills a 20th Century company. Dunedin, Florida. Dunedin Stadium, New Zealand, (Old name). Dunedin Stadium, Florida. The Dunedin Blue Jays are a Minor League Baseball team of the Florida State League. Edinburgh Rugby. Dun Eidin River, British Columbia, HMS Dunedin, The Dúnedain people from J R R Tolkien, Edinburgh City FC later known as FC Edinburgh, then back to EDinburgh City, both versions, The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Edinburgh Place, Hong Kong. Edinburgh Square, Caledonia, Ontario, Canada. New Edinburgh, capital of Darien scheme, a former Scottish colony in modern-day Panama. New Edinburgh News, local newspaper of New Edinburgh, Ontario, I think well maybe this example I am unsure New Edinburg, Arkansas, also spelled New Edinburgh, then for sure, Scots terms for the Scottish city, Embra, or Embro and Edinburrie. or Rabbie Burns Latin term Edina, and olde names like Edynburgh, and then Edynburghe, Din Eidyn, and back to other places, Edinboro, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, HMS Edinburgh, Jamie Barnwell-Edinboro, English footballer, Edinburgh Capitals, Ice hockey team of the past, Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Edward Burra, Painter. 17 Which coast is Ingleborough Camp nearer, the Irish Sea, or the North Sea.
18, Which of these hillforts has a strong association with boars, and which with bulls, Burghead, Gaer Fawr, and Dunadd,
19 What do Dinas Dinlle Beach, and Edinburgh Airport, Tintagel village, and Old Sarum Airfield, and Tre'r Ceiri walk, have in common.
20 Which of these is not a hillfort, Oldbury Castle, Old Sarum, Old Bewick ( Not called Old Berwick, even though it is also in Northumberland, like Berwick upon Tweed ), Old Oswestry, Old Winchester Hill, Bewick Hill Moor Camp, North Berwick Law, and Salisbury,
21 Duns Scotus was a 13th Century Scottish thinker, regarded as one of the 3 most significant thinkers in terms of Christianity in Western Europe at that time. He got the name as of being born at Duns Castle, which is connected in history to it's nearby town of Duns and the forebear of that town in a sense, Duns Law, a Iron Age Hillfort. I am unsure which got that name first the castle, fort or town, but Dun is a clue. Which historic Scottish county is it located in.
22 What hillfort sites in Edinburgh and Anglesey, would by their name, be good preparations for King Arthur to have a sit down, ready to be brought a nice dinner,
23 Castle Hillfort (Blunsdon) and Gaer Hillfort (Newport) have something in common, in their name,
24 What do Dunmore Hillfort (In Tiree in the inner Hebrides) and Gaer Fawr Hillfort (Mid Wales) have in common
25 What do Bury Hill Hillfort, Castle hill hillfort in Huddersfield, and another name for Moel Arthur, Bryngaer, and Bryn Castell in Gwynedd have in common, and kind of the 250 metres high, Castlelaw Hillfort near Edinburgh.
26 What do British Camp., and Dumbarton have in common in their name,
27 How many times is a fortification possibly mentioned in the term Bury Castle hillfort, It is debatable,
28 Second lastly Are there any hillforts, that are now below sea level, in 2021, even if they have now disappeared,
29 The 5.7 hectare Pereborough Castle Hillfort near Compton, sits in which of these counties, 1 of which I made up, Berkshire, Glamorgan, Shetland Islands, or Peterboroughshire, ​
30 The Ráth na Ríogh, is a kind of hillfort / ringfort, site on which sacred hill in the Republic of Ireland.
31 What hill in Somerset, with a hillfort enclosure at 80 or so hectares is said by many experts to be the largest hillfort in Britain and Ireland. Bindon Hill excluded.
32 There is a Borough Hill Hillfort, and a Burrough hIll Hillfort, in Northamptonshire first and Leicesteshire the second of those, which is the fort that sits in with about 52
hectares enclosed.
33 What is the largest hillfort in Sussex
34 What is Kent's largest hillfort
35 Carn Na Sean-chreag, is a galleried fort or hillfort, near Plockton, that has been affected by forest and it's clearance. By the name, of this 30 by 20 metre fort can you guess if it is in, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, England (Not including it's county of Cornwall), Scotland, the Channel Isles, or Wales.
36 What 1974 to 1990s, council area, in Britain would you find Carn Liath, it is near the village of Brora. As a clue it has a broch within it, which are plentiful in this part of the world. The 2021 county area is pretty much the same name, or is it? if it is not where you may be thinking.
37 Dunkery Beacon or Dunkery Hill is the highest point in Somerset, and the highest point in Exmoor, at 520 metres, and lower on it's north slope on Sweetworthy there is a hillfort or defended settlement, called Sweetworthy Camp, there may be 2 in this locality actually, true or false,
38 The highest hill in Gloucestershire, Cleeve Hill at 330 metres, has a hillfort called Cleeve Cloud Hillfort, also known as Cleeve Hill Camp on it, and in 2021 it has a golf course right by and on it, and a quarry has dissected part of the fort as well. Walkers also affect the fort as well with their footfall, and good exercise, which some wonder if we can alter to protect the fort for good reasons. True or false it is also the highest hill in the Cotswolds.
39 Where would you find South Barule hillfort,
40 There is a little known site called Catlow Bottoms, at what is called a confluence of 2 watercourses. What part of England would you expect to find it, the North, the South the West or the East.
41 Which of these i not the name of a Hillfort, Christmas Castle, Castell Nadolig, Easter Row, Easter Pinkerton, April fool's day Hillfort,
42 Great Hertha Hill Hillfort in Northumberland, and Smithfield in the Borders area of Scotland, are some of the great number of hillforts, in that area of the world, Is it true, that Northumberland has over 1 hillfort with the word Bewick, in it's title, and may even have another,
43 At which county would you expect to find the hillforts, Chun Castle, Warbstow Bury, The Rumps, and The Dodman, Tintagel, and St Michael's Mount,
44 Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in a sense has a name that comes from the hill fort at Dumbarton, so it sits in Washington DC. What prestigious US university has kind of owned this site since 1940, in 2021 anyhow.
45 Plus, what global organisation through it's charter, was formed after the ​Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization, in 1944, that took place at Dumbarton Oaks, estate, between The Republic of China, (Peoples republic of China was only brought in in the 1970s,) the USA, the USSR and UK. It was also known as the Dumbarton Oaks agreement.
46 So I want to create a question for what are the longest names of Hillforts in the British Isles. I am unsure I have found it, as I am not going to read through all 4000 fort's names, and their various titles, as many have multiple names. This is the result of what I have found though.
So do Scotland, England Wales and Ireland as a island, not split into it's Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland have hillforts with over 16 letters in their names even minus the term hillfort, enclosure, or promontory fort. I give a very long answer to this question. And do any in some versions of their name have over 22 letters without even the word hillfort or even fort.
47 Now a opposite, or partner's names quiz question, just like how Maiden Castle, could be called in opposite sense, Bachelor's Welcome mat, what fort am I referring to when I say, Brutus Decamped,
48 Then also in that game, Escape Dry anarchy,
49 Then lastly Antipodean walkover,
50 OK one in Welsh, Cadair Gwrtheneu.
51 The hillfort in Lithiuania named Napoleon's fort, what star sign was he. Clue, some say such folk, are passionate, take-charge ambitious, guys. Quite brave like lions you may say.
52 Is Walbury Hill, and it's hillfort the highest hill in Southern England or South Eastern England? P.S it's name may come from the term, Welsh, and Wales, that the Saxons used for the Britons and many other Roman area peoples, so fort of the Britons, like Dumbarton.
53 Bradley Hill, is a Australian rules footballer, but where is Bradley Hill Hillfort, Australia, Ireland, or England.
54 Napoleon Hill, was a US author, but what is the importance to hillforts in this name, oh lets rephrase that, where would you find the hill, which has a hillfort upon it, called Napoleon's Hill, and sometimes Napoleon Hill, though it has a other name.
55 Vespasian's Camp, is a rare hillfort which sits amongst which World Heritage site, so as listed as in 2021 anyhow for now.
56 Spot the missing suffix and prefix for these hillfort names, Brad, Wood, Walls, Ditches, Hill Camp, Hill, Warbstow, and just , , Cadson, and last of all, Uley,
57 Which football team, in Greater Manchester, that went bust in 2019 was also the name of a Hillfort, usually the word hill is added as well, though not always for the fort site. The football team has now had a reformed phoenix team that exists in 2021.
58 What is repetitive about the term, I have just invented for a made up hillfort. Caertingaerduncastroburyburghbergborocampborough Fort.
59 Put these in order of height, the 2 highest hillforts in Britain, and the Corcovado, where the Christ the Redeemer statue is, or Cristo Redentor,
60 The German city of Oldenburg, is like a German version of a hillfort in Kent among the largest, which hillfort.
61 Which of these is not a hillfort or Iron Age enclosure, name,
Seven ways Plain in Buckinghamshire, Yellowberries Copse in Devon,
62 Taymud is the back to front name of the hillfort of Dumtay. Whys i that a strngely kind of apt name for this Scottish hillfort. And by the way only one of these answers is true.
(a) It is in what was called Tayside, the area around Dundee and north west of it, in terms of the large 1970s created counties of Scotland. The region of Tayside was named after the River Tay.
(b) Some historians place it in the area of the tribe known as the Maetae, in Iron Age or Roman influence on Britain times.
(c) It was going tae be the capital of Scotland in 1930
63 Which of these teams has a rugby stadium in 2021, where you can clearly see in massive view, a major hillfort owning hill on it.
Melrose RFC, Sale Sharks, Glasgow Warriors,
64 (a) There is a Y Breidden Hill, Hillfort in Powys, also known as Breddin Hillfort; The Breiddin Hillfort; Breiddin Hill Camp, in the Montgomeryshire bit of it. (B) Plus a Kemerton Camp, on Bredon Hill, in Worcestershire, a hill that also has upon or aound it, Conderton Camp, also known as Danes Camp, and Elmley Castle Earthworks, which may have been 1 or even 2 hillforts in the past. Or (C) A hillfort in Leicestershire, called, The Bulwarks,,partly destroyed by quarry work, well being in Leicestershire, also known as Breedon Hill; Breedon-On-The-Hill, as it sits just by the village of Breedon-on-the-Hill. Which of these, A, B, or C is the hill Alfred Edward Housman, 1859 - 1936, was referring to in his famous poem.
65 What connection do the geological eras, the Silurian, and Ordovician have in common with hillforts, even though they are millions of years afore them.
Which of these is the name of the Simpsons, Character, and which is the name of the prehistortic monument in Southern England, nom true or false, the names in bold, are thee, ans which is the right way round if so, Waylon J. Smithers Jr., Wayland Smithers, Waylan Smithy, Wayland's Smithy, Wayland Smithers, Waylon Smithy, Waylon Smithers, Wayland Smithers, Waylands Smithers,
67, Which of these Celtic players, has the name name as the name of the great broch on the Shetland Islands, Mousa Dembele, ​Jock Stein, or Billy McNeil,
1 The answer is Dorchester Town, which has a castle on it, which has been knocked down, shows how people love castles, more than hillforts, to be their badges, though I like both, I mean it is the greatest hillfort in Britain, and they chose a castle that is not there anymore. Then again, a castle is more easy to make a badge so they are not bad, there. It makes sense. I say Stirling does, as it has the castle on, which was likely in use in the Dark Ages, when it was likely a hillfort. 2 Penycloddiau, 3 Manchester, and West Ham, 4, East Dumbartonshire, the town and counties have a divergence, on using the M and N, 5 Scottish Highland League, Fraserburgh, I think more as Broch in this case is more about it being a old term for Borough, which the town was. But it had a similar origin as a term to broch. 6 Dunedin, 7 Verdun, 8 Burgh, there are dozens of sites with Dun, at the start of their name in Britain and even Europe, like Dunkirk of course in Northern France, plus a large amount with Caer or Car, including the vast majority in Wales. Most outside Wales, have the start Car, but there is even a Caerlanrig in the Scottish Borders, another of those old Cumbric names that occur in small but delightful cases in that southern part of Scotland. 9 Brasil, or Brazil, 10 Madrid, Washington DC, Canberra, 11, All of them, Dumbarton of course, Hearts' Tynecastle, was a toll road, gate or something, leading to Edinburgh Castle, so a hillfort in a way. Dunedin Stadium, (Well it is named after Edinburgh's Gaelic name, a Dun, so the castle), So they all do. that is all I could find, of a specific site. 12, British Camp, 13 Alesia, 14 Billfort, it is spelt with a H at the start, 15, Oppida, like as converse to the Oppidum of Manching. 16 The last one the painter, 17 The Irish Sea, 18 Gaer Fawr and Dunadd have the boar connection, Burghead, the bull, and 19 all are named after hillfort sites in a way. 20 Salisbury, 21 Berwickshire, 22 King Arthur's Seat, And Bwrdd Arthur, which in Welsh is table, 23 They are one word names, that just define a fort, or castle, gaer is fort in Welsh There is also a hill in Monmouthshire called Gaer, with a hillfort on it. You could say British camp, ( see my page on it, ) seeing it's name comes from a popular 19th century term for hillforts, is also just a 2 word term denoting a hillfort. 24 They are similar names, Gaer Fawr means Great fort, while the Gaelic term means big fort. Mai dun or Maiden Castle apparently means Great Hill, or even great fort, in the the old Celtic language of the south west, so I almost could have included it, but not close enough, or certain enough just by a whisker, especially as the word castle is added as well before hillfort. 5 They almost mean the same, I mean a bury is a olde English term for camp, camp and a fort are similar, while castell is Welsh for castle, law is olde Saxon for hill, and bryn is Welsh for hill. So Bryn Castell and Castle hill, win the award of most similar in different languages. There are also Castle hill Iron age forts near Folkestone, Torrington, and in Hampshire and Alwinton, Northumberland. If anybody refers to them as The Castle Hill Hillfort, that is like Bryn Y Gaer Hillfort. in Flintshire. Plus these Castle Hill Hillforts, include names which are about the hillfort not a castle built atop, and same for Bryn Castell 26 They both kind of mean Forts of the Britons, In a sense as the Britons in Wales became the Welsh, Welshbury Hill, and Hillfort, in England's Gloucestershire, could be said to be as well, as Bury can mean camp or event fort I think, well maybe camp and fort are very different really, so maybe I am wrong there, so have not put it in the question, but it is similar. 27 Well 2 or, 3, if Bury means camp as in fort then 3 times. 28 Yes like Black Rocks fort, near Deganwy, North Wales. 29 Berkshire, 30 The Hill of Tara, Fun fact on it, a minor detail really, could be how indeed which in the 1920s, the British Israelites, a old British group not associated to modern Israel or the Palestinians by the way, carried out a archaeology dig there, which Yeats and Arthur Griffith campaigned against as they felt it was harming the site. I think excavations could have been OK, but they were looking for the Bible and Indiana Jones' Ark of the Covenant apparently which is not a normal archaeology aim. So a fair criticism, by Yeats and Griffith there, though I love Raiders of the Lost Ark, from Indiana Jones, but this sort of digging has to be done sensitively if at all. No doubt. Apparently they did a pretty damaging dig, so a awful thing there. 31 Ham Hill or Hamden Hill, if you only refer to British and Irish hillforts as hillforts then it is the biggest hillfort in the world. Though many oppida are essentially hillforts, so bigger. So you could say, like how a boxing champ can be honoured as being Champion of Britain, and then also in the same announcement champion of the world which makes the first part seem redundant, and obvious in that case, then you can say, Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in Somerset, Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in South West England, Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in Southern England, Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in England, and Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in Britain, and Ham Hill is the largest hillfort in Britain and Ireland, That would be it's equivalent announcement in boxing match, not that hillforts enter boxing matches. 32 The first of them. 33 Cissbury Ring, 34 Oldbury Camp on Oldbury Hill,
35 Scotland, and the west Highlands.
36 The Highland region of Scotland.
37 True
38 True
39 The Isle of Man, a Manx fact for you there, a pun on Manx cats, so good for a miss spell pun, Manx fcats,
40, The North, in Lancashire,
41 Christmas Castle and Castell Nadolig are the same hillfort in Ceredigion, in Western Wales, the others are in East Lothian, then the other Stirling and that area.
42 Yes, I mention the 2 in a earlier question, and there is uncertainty that there may be another, or 2, at Bewick Bridge, it's west and east locations are mentioned on https://hillforts.arch.ox.ac.uk/ which shows how plentiful they are here,
43 Cornwall
44 Harvard University
45 The United Nations. There is also a Dumbarton Oaks Concerto, written in 1938 by Igor Stravinsky,
46 The longest I know of in England, is Titterstone Clee Hill Camp Hillfort. There are other long names in England and the rest of the British Isles, but at 23 letters minus the word hillfort it is the longest I have found of a major hillfort. You may say camp is a other term for a fort so should not be included, but I feel the word camp is ambiguous so like Cadbury Camp hillfort, Camp is just part of the name.
Other long ones in England include
Humble Common Camp, Hampshire, and Thundersbarrow Hill, West Sussex.
While doing this look I found there is a Vespasian Hill, hillfort in England as well.
Then for Wales, long names include,
Mynydd y castell camp, in Glamorgan, Mynydd Twmpathyddaer near Bridgend, Glamorgan. Yes that area also has Y Bwlwarcau Eastern Enclosure, but I am not including the term Enclosure in this or Promonotary fort. Plus there is a Pen-y-Frwydd Llwyd Camp, in Ceredigion. Plus a Bishopston Valley Camp near Swansea, Plus a Harding's Down West Camp and east near Swansea, plus a Moel Offrwm Lower Camp in Gwynedd, which is maybe just as much a extension of a name as enclosure. Plus a Piercefield Little Camp, in Monmouthshire as there is a on termed Great as well.
Plus a Saint Julian's Wood Camp, in Newport. Plus a Great Treffgarne Rocks Camp in Pembrokshire, so maybe as long a name as the Titterstone. Maybe 1 letter more. So this could be the longest name for a hillfort I know of for the British Isles. Not that I will check all 4000.
While doing this research I found Sugar Loaf hillfort in Carmarthenshire, and a Yr Hen Castell, and a Castell Cadwalladr in Ceredigion, and a Castell Flemish fort, and a Castell Nantperchellan. Plus a Deborah's Hole hillfort near Swansea. Plus a Polish Home, in Gwynedd, Plus the Bulwarks, in Monmouthshire.
Ceredigion has one of a number of forts called Gaer in Wales. Which could be among the shortest names for a hillfort, without the word camp. Then again you have to add the word Y, or The, for most such forts, but it is almost self explanatory that it is a hillfort. I mean there is a 3 letter hillfort with the word camp after in England, but you still must add the term hillfort in my view to define it. So
Plus a couple of sites labelled, raths in Pembrokshire. Broadmoor Rath for example.
Then in Ireland there are some long names like Baile Iarthach Thuaidh, in Cork, and the longest continuous word I know of a name of a hillfort, Donneendermotmore promontory fort. And Ballyoughteragh South promontory fort.
Then for Scotland there are not that many I have seen, I mean Dùn Meadhonach on Colonsay is quite a long one, then again Bennan of Garvilland, in Dumfries and Galloway is a long name, as is Mull of Galloway Enclosure, but I do not count Enclosure as a term really.
Anyway so I declare the winner the Tittertsone and Great Treffgarne Rocks. Then again maybe there is a longer name, and I would not be shocked if there is in the Scottish Highlands somewhere a long Gaelic name.
47 Caesar's Camp
48 Traprain Law
49 British Camp
50 Bwrdd Artur,
51 So I don't really believe in astrology, but he was a Leo. It is a bit of fun though so I am not going to be one of those experts condemning it. It is not my place to, as it is fun.
52 South Eastern England
53 England, it is in Cheshire, near Frodsham. It is among the smaller hillforts in the county of Cheshire.
54 Lithuania, Oliver Napoleon Hill was a self help author, and the Lithuanian hill is also Jiesia (Pajesys) Hill fort mound, near Kaunus.
55 Stonehenge, and it's environ, not the monument itself, just the area.
56 Bury,
57 Bury FC, expelled from League one in 2019 (3rd tier of English league system), their Phoenix team are Bury AFC. Bury Hill Hillfort is in Hampshire, and is 5 hectares.
58 It is a tautological place name, like that famous one in Cumbria Torpenhow Hill, which is a record 4 words which kind of mean the same things, there are lots of Viking, Saxon, English and Celtic term places like that. My made up one has 11 names that are the same in a sense.
59 The Christ the Redeemer statue hill is 2nd on that list.
60 Oldbury Camp Hillfort. or Oldbury Hillfort.
61 Trick question, they both are.
62 B, Actually. So that is why. Hope that is OK for you there. Its actually in the Ochil Hills, in Stirling, some wonder if the name comes from that tribe's name, though that is just a theory., It may have been in the Central Region of Scotland, not Tayside in the 1970s regions, but I am unsure.
63 Melrose RFC, also Colwyn Bay's RGC 1404 has a Eirias Park, from parts of which you can see Bryn Eithin which has a hillfort upon it there for you,
64 B, The one in Worcestershire.
65 The Silurians and Ordovician would have used hillforts, also there is the Cambrian era, but it is a term for Wales created by Celtisists in the 17th or 18th Century,
66 True, obviously the first is the simpsons character,
67 Mousa Dembele, first name same as the Broch of Mousa,
But that is my answer for now.
So that ends the question type
of that
variety quizzes on hillforts.
There are more puzzles and such quizzes below
Anagrams on Hillforts guess the Answers
10 anagrams of hillforts. Answers below.
Level of difficulty very very hard, I used a generator , I did not think of any , So I have added clues for them . Except for the last 2 which are easier.
1 Iceland Meats Clue it's in Dorset
2 Anaemic Ham Clue, it's in Ireland,
3 Stabled Curacy Clue, it's in Somerset
4 Add Dun clue it's in western Scotland,
5 Canoe Dip Duly clue it's in North Wales
6 Calf nesting tofu
clue it's in Oxfordshire (formerly in Berkshire)
7 Actors de Ana rob clue, it's in Spain
8 Bugle monographic clue it's in Northern England,
9 Auden Sung clue it's in Ireland
10 Acmes Caspar clue it's in South East England
11 Celt atop centimeters clue in Shropshire indeed another attempt could be Ten atop celtic metres, the only ones that kind of it what it is in a way, or even Celts atop centimeter,
12 A Celts Maiden
13 As Maiden Celt
1 Maiden Castle,
2 Emain Macha
3 Cadbury Castle.
4 Dunadd
5 Penycloddiau
6 Uffington Castle
7 Castro de Barona
8 Ingleborough Camp
9 Dun Aengus
10 Caesar's Camp
11 Titterstone Clee Camp, which could with one extra s, maybe wrongly added to the end of the first word, be or sent atop Celtic metres
12 Maiden Castle
13 Maiden Castle
Now a easier back to front quiz
11 Godaorac Reac
10 ogiV ed ortsaC
9 lliH nodraggE
8 gniR nocaeR
7 troflliH uareaC
6 rwaF reaC
5 troflliH nodpmuD
4 pmaC yrubelroW
3 rwaF reaG
2 lletsaC Y ddynyM
1 eltsaC yrubdaC
1 Cadbury Castle 2 Mynydd Y Castell 3 Gaer Fawr 4 Worlebury Camp 5 Dumpdon Hillfort 6 Caer Fawr 7 Caerau Hillfort 8 Beacon Ring 9 Eggardon Hill 10 Castro de Vigo 11 Caer Caradoc
The closest thing to a palindrome in hillforts I can find is Mam Tor, I think maybe someone could have called it Mam, as a shortened name, When climbing it half exhausted as a nickname, after all the Mam bit is a old Celtic word it seems. there. .
Here is my magazine style, hillfort personality quiz,
Just a bit of fun, like the way nobody totally believes these magazine article quizzes, where they say what sort of person you are after you answer some questions. So I am doing the same here, 5 questions, and I say you may like this particular hillfort or hillfort site, that comes out as a answer, though you may not, it is just a bit of fun. ,
I have chosen 2 hillforts and 1 hillfort site, and said which I think you may or may not like to visit, not that you should I am just doing this as fun, in the end you may not like them, it may be you dont want to or prefer the others, or the many not listed here, Dont do it just as my quiz says so, I am just doing a fun quiz, OK, thats my disclaimer,
1 So do you
Like, (A) High quieter spaces, this one is most of the time, specially the east side, when there are no excavations of big groups there 1 pt (B) Much Busy places, 3pts (C) Hillforts that overlook seascapes, from a cliff top, 2pts
2 Do you, (A) Like to spend your money when at a hillfort site, on entry fee, as maybe you feel you get what you pay for 3 pts, (B) Like a hillfort entrance be to have been free in 2020, whatever year you actually visit, and on the island of Britain 1 pt (C) Ditto, but also, not in Britain the island, but a island chain off it or Ireland, 2 pts
3 Do you like to (a) Visit a hillfort on a island group, relatively far from it's nations capital, when this site was written in 2021, 2 pts, (B) Visit a hillfort site, right at the centre of it's nations, modern capital, counting the 4 countries of the UK 2021, as nations of course which they are as is the UK in 2021. 3 pts, (C) Be in the north of the country you visit, 1 pt,
4 (A) Do you wish to follow in the footsteps of Mary Queen of Scots and visit this site, 3 pts (B) Do you wish to walk on a path that links Chepstow to Prestatyn that crosses this site, 1 pt (C) Do you wish to follow the recommendations of Yeats to some great writers, and visit this Irish site), 2 pts
5 Lastly, (A) Do you want to be able to see The Forth Road Bridge, 3 pts b Do you want to have the chance of seeing part of North Wales, from here, and farway North West England, 1 pt or C do you want to see from here a land which in 2021, is still within the Gaeltacht, 2 pts
The answers I give,
Closest to 5 pts
Pennycloddiau maybe, or maybe not, iI mean ts your choice,
Closer to 10 pts
Dun Aengus maybe, or maybe not, I mean its your choice,
Closest to 15 pts,
Edinburgh Castle, maybe, or maybe not, I mean it's not really up to me, if I am honest,
Now a 10 + question quiz of higher or lower
The answers are right below the question, now for those who accidently see the answer, before answering, I will make it harder to see,
1 Is Maiden Castle, Dorset bigger than British Camp,
The Hillfort whose fifth letter is E is bigger
2 Is Maiden Castle, Dorset bigger than Ham Hill, Somerset
The one that has a pork connected name is bigger,
3 Is Ham Hill nearer Cadbury Castle, or is
Caesar's Camp, Wimbledon,
The Roman emperor named one is not not not nearer,
4 Is Caesar's Camp Wimbledon, bigger than Ruapekapeka Pa, in New Zealand,
The Maori fort is quite simply I must say, the more great in size,
5 Is Ruapekapeka Pa, a later built site than Burnswark Hillfort in Dumfriesshire,
The fort with a 3rd letter, R, is not later,
6 Is Burnswark Hillfort's Roman camp, larger or smaller than the Titterstone's Hillfort,
The one with over 9 letters is larger,
7 Is the Titterstones Hillfort, larger or smaller than Yeavering Bell, in Northumberland.
The one with a bell in the name, is actually I must say smaller,
8 Is Yeavering Bell, Northumberland, further north in latitude and longitude than Dunluce Castle, Ulster,
The one in a county with the letter N at the start is further north,
9 Is Yeavering Bell further west than Tap O' Noth, Scotland, in latitude and longitude.
The one with a tap is, further west,
10 When Tap O' Noth, had hundreds of people, maybe thousands living in it as a Celtic hillfort, centuries ago, was this at a later time then when Maiden Castle was,
11 Is Tap 'O' Noth higher than Tre'r Ceiri,
12 Is Tre'r Ceiri higher than Craig Rhiwarth
Now de scramble the words, The first half is a hillfort name, of 2 or 3 names, the second half is a name that has been mixed with the others. So descramble, I have put the second half in blue. P.S There is a Maiden Camp, but I am not counting it in this puzzles as a answer.
Tre'r Emrys
Uffington Law
Castro de Camp
Caesar's Castle, Dorset,
Dun Lee Camp
Titterstone Ceiri
British Barona
Caer Arthur
Moel Caradoc (Church Stretton)
Maiden Camp
Tap o' Hill
Yeavering Castle
Ham Noth
Dinas Bell
Traprain Tree Hill
Oppidum Aengus
One Hill
Napoleon's Wrekin
The Von Manching
The answers are, Tre'r Ceiri, Uffington Castle, Castro de Barona, Caesar's Camp, Dun Aengus, Titterstone Lee Camp, British Camp, Caer Caradoc, (Chruch Streeton) Moel Arthur, Maiden Castle, Dorset, Tap o'Noth, Yeavering Bell, Ham Hill, Dinas Emrys, Traprain Law, Oppidum Von Mancing known in English as the Oppidum of Manching, One Tree Hill, Napoleon's Hill, The Wrekin,
Alliteration tongue twister
Hambledon Hill Hillfort's homeland's holds, handily hit Hod Hill Hillfort's hinterland.
It makes sense as they are 2 miles from each other in Dorset.
Maybe Hod Hill Hillfort Hilltop is better.
Acroustic poem, on Hillforts,
High on the hills,
In every region of Britain and Ireland
Long lasting forts, left alone,
Linger and remain solidly still,
For centuries sitting as solid as rocks
Overlooking terrains, where once,
Ramparts topped by defenders, for
Tribes, and their people
Saw peace, war and lifetimes,
My poem, Hillforts war war war, by Hillforts.co.uk, poem written between 2019 and 2024.
Hillforts now are still in a war,
Wars against invaders of sorts yeah,
Some are at the front of a invasions of houses at their borders,
With planning permissions raised, to destroy their ramparts and more there,
Some are at the forefront of a war with diggers and such,
Destroy the very ground for minerals, with destruction of the hillforts a mere by product of that,
Some are being breached by the unstoppable force of erosion,
Of the sea, and landslides and more in that process,
Some may seem to be ruined by other forces,
Of nature,
But these trees, and vegetation that surround and cover and encroach on these forts,
Are comparitvely friends and allies just causing minimal damage of the such forts,
Some forts are now lands; of woods, and trees,
Some are there for grazing by sheep and cows, and walks by tourists for sightsees,
Some forts, as if still manned, by sheep, munching grass, guarding them or holding them instead of soldiers,
Or dozens of lined up trees, standing guard, occupying them like sturdy warriors,
Or their remnant archaeological finds, of swords, and wooden post holes,
Remaining in the ground as last survivors, like preverbial soldiers in foxholes,
A stone whetstone survives there, and here,
But remains of swords rust away, and wood rotted away pushed apart by worms, moles and weather,
But all past these forces of intruders and worse,
They stand in their hundreds for us to observe,
But even then their wars can continue afresh
Of guys like me pricked by armies of gorse bushes and tree branches, in research pursuits,
Of steadily sensibly looking for safe routes up them past rivers and slopes,
Pushing up through bramble, a scratch on the face here and there,
And of coats, a thorn cuts and causes a small tear,
So my adventures, of many others,
Of plans of conquering them for research,
Maybe us a mild version of the warriors of so many centuries past,
Of people visiting them like armies of the past,
Sometimes wishing to protect them, or conserve them,
Despite some tourists stone moving, or footprints altering them in aghast,
We conquer them and pride in climbing to their tops,
Surely this honours them, like we are their warriors of old pasts,
For years hillforts have seen so much change in their land use,
Of castles on them, and more, its just all part of the story,
Them remaining still fighting a war,
Of surival past the perils of mans changing use of them, farming, and construction, and the rain, wind, and fauna of beautiful alive nature,
I want them to be kept safe for centuries in the future,
Its all part if the fun of this side of human nature,
Iron Maiden Castle , could be a good name for a iron age themed copy band, maybe a Iron Age superhero could be called Iron Age Man, like Iron Man is, or Iron Age Maiden Castle, or Iron Age People, mena dnd women Maiden Castle, Carry on Camping as in Carry on British Camping, 3rd Rock from the Sun, 30 Rock, Penn and Teller, Penny Lane, Like a Wrecking Ball, are the only popular culture media, I can think of with a name with a bit of a name of a famous hillfort. There is likely more but I should not try too hard. Also Crocodile Dundee Law, Plus Adrian Mole, as in Moel. This page is like my Hillforts.co.uk Annual, of fun stuff games, if you like, of any year 2020, 2021, 2022, whatever any year,
Here is my football team on that basis
Managed by Warton Crag "Craig Brown" (Rangers, Clyde, Dundee, Aberdeen, Preston, Motherwell and Scotland, Coltness United and Falkirk, Kilmarnock Amatuers, and Scotland's world youth cup manager, Scotland U 21, Scotland Junior Squad, )
Gordon Banks (Stoke City and England 1966 Goalkeeper) (As in earth banks)
Substitute goalkeepers Peter "hillfort" Shilton (England Nottingham Forrest, and Derby, Leicester, and Stoke, and Plymouth Argyll, Bolton, and Leyton Orient, 1990 World Cup goalkeeper) And Chris Llanmellin Woods, (England, Norwich City, and Rangers 1980s goaly), and a place also onm the bench for Brittish Campbell Money, the St Mirren keeper
4 defenders
Richard Dunne, Ireland player
Frank De Boer (Dutch International, Atalanta United, and Rangers) In honour of the boar image on Dunadd
Wes Brown Caterthun (Man Utd and England)
Doug Rougvie (Aberdeen, Chelsea, and Scotland) As in archaeology digging,
Substitute Defenders
Justin Edinburgh Castle (Spurs and Leyton Orient)
Mikey Devin Castle Devlin (Aberdeen, Scotland, and Hamilton)
Des Walker (as in hill walkers) England
Moel Arthur Albiston (Man United and Dundee and Scotland)
Solsbury Hill British Campbell (Arsenal and England)
Melker Halleberg ( Hibs and Kalmar and Udinese )
Willbury Miller Hillfort (Aberdeen, Scotland and Radio Scotland,)
John Ingleborugh is (St Johnstone and Aberdeen)
Gaery Fawr Neville, (Man Utd, England) and Sky Sports)
Traprain Lauren Blanc (France)
Bwrdd Arthur Numan, (Rangers and the Nerthlands)
Gary Locke (Hearts)
Carl Tre'r Ceiri Marco (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
3 midfielders
Mont St Michelle Platini (French 1980s Star,)
Scott Brown Caterthun (Hibs, Aberdeen, Celtic and Scotland Midfielder)
Bertie Auld Oswestry (Celtic - Lisbon Lion)
Substitute Midfielders
Mauricio Castro (Honduras Midfielder)
Jimmy Hillfort Hill 1950s England Midfielder,
Joey Dunbartonshire Barton after the hillfort (QPR)
Steve Slingstone Stone, Newcastle and Forest as in slingstones being used at hillforts , he has no actual association with them that I know of
Ian "Dun Aengus" Angus (Aberdeen Midfielder 1980s)
Nicky "Berwick" Law, Rangers
St Michael's Mickey Thomas Mount, Wales, Man Utd, and Wrexham,
Glenn Hod Hill Hoddle, (Spurs and England)
Dougie Yeavering Bell (Aberdeen)
Willo Flood (as of Tap o'Noth (Aberdeen and Dundee United, Celtic and Cardiff City)
Cesar's Sampaio, as in the site at Wimbledon Common is linked with his name I shall say Cesar's hillfort for him he was a Brazilian international,
Eoin's of time hillforts have been left a lost but there to be rediscovered piece of history Jess (Aberdeen)
John Burnswark Hillfort, Ipswich,
Mason St Michael's Mount (Chelsea and England)
M Aiden Castle McGeady, Celtic and Ireland, and Sunderland, Everton and Spartak Moscow, Scotland Schools,
David Beck Ham Hill (Man Utd, England, LA Galaxy, Real Madrid, Ac Milan, )
Matthew La Tene Tissier, (Southampton and England)
Russell Duncan (Inverness Caledonian Thistle)
Attack 3 strikers
Dennis Burghead Ingleborough Camp, Bergkamp
(Arsenal and Netherlands Striker)
Dennis Traprain Law (Man Utd, Torino, and Scotland striker)
John Aliosi Alesia (Australia and Coventry City striker)
Substitute strikers
Steve Bull, (Wolves and England) in honour of the bull images at Burghead
Hans Wheelhouse Gillhaus Aberdeen, Scottish League Select, PSV and the Netherlands,
Broch of Moussa Dembele, (Celtic)
Jimmy Dunne - Ireland
Chris Llanmellin Wood Camp, New Zealand,
Mick Hillfort Hill (Wales & Ipswich Town )
Torwoodlee Sharpe (Man Utd Leeds United)
Duncan Dunottar Fergusson (Dundee united Everton Rangers and Scotland)
Offas Lyndondykes Livingston and Scotland and QPR
St Michael's Mount Owen, (Liverpool, Newcastle, Man U, and England) and Real Madrid)
Bulstrode Camp, sits at the Village of Gerrard's Cross., so Stephen Gerrard's cross, (Liverpool, England, and Rangers,) Maybe I am stretching it a bit there,
Moel Fenlli Noel Whelan (Sunderland, Coventry Middlesbrough, Aberdeen, )
Ian St Michael' s Mount John (Motherwell and Scotland and Liverpool)
Frank Emain Macha Venni, (Scotland, West Ham, and Celtic),I give this of all my plays on words, 🥉 Bronze Medal .
Mario Donnarsbergtelli, (Juventus and Liverpool, AC Monza, Internationale Milan, AC Milan, Man City, Nice, Marseille, Brescia, Lumazzane, and Italy.,
Gaerry Fawr Lineker, (Leicester City, Everton, Barcelona, Tottenham Hotspur, Grampus Eight, England, BBC TV, BT Sport,)
Christophe Dugaery Fawr, (Bordeaux, AC Milan, Barcelona, France)
Traprain Lawrence Shankland (Queens Park, Aberdeen, Scotland, Ayr Utd, Dundee Utd, )
Norman's Law Whiteside, (Man Utd)
Lee The Trundles, (Swansea City)
John Hewittenham Clumps, (Aberdeen)
Alan the Island of Brasil (Ipswich, Coventry, Man Utd, Scotland, Spurs, Talksport)
Eric Black Rocks fort (Aberdeen)
Diego Maradonnersburg Oppidum, Argentina, Naples, Barcelona, Boca Juniors, (Almost Dundee)
They play at the Nou "Caesar's" Camp
Or Hambledon Hill as in Wimbledon Crazy gang stuff, although actually thats more like Hampden, so better there. Maybe Jock Stensburg Oppidum could be the manager as well, or even Dick British Campbell, plus Jim Moel Y Gaer Bod Farry, organising it as a football organiser.
You could probably create 2 teams with these number of players,
Other sports representatives
Chuck Norris, Martial Arts, as of his Iron Age "Roundhouse" moves
Moel Arthur Ashe Tennis
Wrestler - Mr T, as in all the rings on his fingers, like Badbury Rings, l
Tap dancer, Fred Astaire, Tap o'noth,
Damon Hill,Hillfort Motor Racing driver
Fernando Alonso Alesi F1 driver champion
Tim Henman Tennis, as in Henman Hill Hillfort, or maybe, Castell Henman Llys,
Andy Murray Tennis, as in Murray Mount, St Michael's Mount, ,
St Michael Schumacher's Mount Motor Racing
Jimmy White Snooker, the White Catherhun hillfort, as in the name,
Stephen Castell Hendryllys Hillfort, snooker
Tre'r Ceri Walsh Jennings Beach Volleyball (United States of America) and Tre'r Ceri Kerry Pottharst (Australia) l
Penny Clodiau Hanmei Golfer
Penny Clodiau Coomes Ice dancer
Penny Clodiau Pultz Golfer
Doug Mountjoy, St Michael's Mount
Tiger Llanmelin Woods, Golf,
Larry Hllman Hillfort (Ice Hockey, Stanley Cup winner
Moel Bwrdd Arthur's Seat Beeston Castle (Rugby League)
Vince Dunn (Ice Hockey)
Martina Navanaratorola as in tennis player miss spelling of Navan hillfort
Now a rugby team
I do not really know rugby positions well, so here are 15 players, for a rugby team.
Stuart Hogg (Scotland) as in honour of his name's other meaning being similar to the model found at Gaer Fawr,
Aengus Angus Cameron (Scotland 1940s)
Duncan Dunadd Weir (Scotland)
Duncan Dunottar Hodge (Scotland 1990s
Alex Dunbar (Scotland) and a actual hillfort site
Tony Brown Caterthun (New Zealand)
Albert van den Berg Burghead (South Africa)
Leigh Halfpennyclodiau (Wales)
Craig Crag Warton Quinnell (Wales)
St "Michael Owen"'s Mount (Wales)
George Tap o' North North (Wales)
Nigel Walker as in hill walker (Wales)
Finn Cop Russell Camp (Scotland)
Rory Llamelin Underwood Wood (England)
Keith Llamellin Wood (Ireland)
Michael Bradbury Castle Bradley (Ireland)
Brian Tap o' Driscoll 'o Noth (Ireland
David British Campese (Australia) after the hillfort British Camp.,
Roman Matthew Ridge (New Zealand)
Ben Griam Beg Cohen (England)
Phillippe Mont Saint Michele Andre (France)
Cesar Sampere after the London site Caesar's Camp (Spain)
And last of all some more famous bands with hillfort names, and other famous folk,
Acro police Acropolis, The Rolling Slingstones, like the Rolling stones you see, The Notorious B I G sbury, famous rapper, Hillfort , Bigsbury Camp, With the song Bad Romance Bury Camp, by Lady Gaga, Though maybe there are other songs just as good using the term bad for Badbury camp less PG rated. James Brown Caterhtun Hillfort, Radio Burghead as in Radiohead, and Talking Burgheads, as in Talking Heads, White Caterthuns Stripes as in White Stripes, Whiter shade of Caterthuns Pale, as in Annie Lennox song., Moel Hiraddug Gallagher of Oasis, not his real name, the Slingstone Roses, as in the Stone Roses, Dudley Moore's Moel Arthur, famous opera singer Bryn Euryn hillfort Terfel, Johann Sebastian Caer Bach, famous US soap opera, Dynasty Emrys, and of course Caer Cardoctor Who, The Old Oswestry Grey Whistle test, the adverts for Kellogs Dinas Bran Flakes, and Tre'r Ceris Matthews, First Lieutenant John J. Dunbar, the protagonist/ narrator of the movie Dances with wolves,
Mini American football team,
John Maiden Castle,
Odell Beck Ham Hill Junior
Dunbar American footballer,
Neal Fort
Bo x hill Jackson
The Refrigerator, 1980s American footballer, William Perry, Iron Age equivalent, The Souterrain, and the Fogou, b
Back to a musician,
Plus Roy Maiden Castle,
And Joss Slingstone, the lady who sings well
Hillfort related other sport teams,
Netball, Caroline O Tap o'Noth Hanlon (Northern Ireland), Stephanie Lodge Hill Wood (Camp Australia) Karin Berger Burghead, (New Zealand) Sigrid Burghead Burger (South Africa) Jhaneille Fowler-Reid (Jamaica) Well you need to read a lot on hillforts, Helen Iron Age Roundhousby Housby or Hillan Helsby (England) Te Paea (Pa) Selby-Rickit (New Zealand) Hayley Mull of Galloway Heron (Scotland) Brown and White Cat Caterthuns lin Thwaites, (Australia) and White Cat Catherthuns Bassett, (Australia netball) Karin Burgherhead (S A Natalie Haythornth spindle whorl loom th weight for wool on hillforts, (England) Maria Tutui Te Puia Historic Pa (New Zealand ) Rachel Dunne (England) Eboni Usuro Dinas - Bran (England) Geva Mam Tor, (England) Kellyheim Jury (New Zealand) Gergovia Fisher (England) Gergovia Rowe, (Wales) (Gergovia A large oppidum) instead of Georgia, though those wrongly labelled hillforts in the US state of Georgia could be keeping that name here, plus lastly Irene Van Offa's Dyk, (New Zealand and South Africa) Caerau Hillfort Koenen (Australia)
Lindle Lynda Carter Hill (Actress) Mull of Gall oway Enclosure Gadot, also wonderwoman actress as well
DumBart Simpson Castle
Dumberton Rocking horse
The Dumbarton Rockettes
Dumbarton Rock Hudson, Actor.
Gergovia Costanza
The Penycloddiau is mightier than the sword,
Also Eildon Hill North John, Elton John,
Also Foel Fenlli Foyles War, Julia Bradbury Castle hillfort, Lord of the Danebury Rings Hillfort, Broch of Mousa Trap by Agatha Christie,
kAERAU-OKE MUSIC That Japanese kind
Ashleigh Dumbartyon Castle Hillfort, Tennis
Golden Oswestry Hillfort
Old Oswes Tree of life Hillfort
Older Oswestry Hillfort
New Oswestry Hillfort
Old Wizard of Oz west tree Hillforts
Old Os west family Tree Hillforts
The Land of Oz Tree Hillfort
Steinsfeldburg, sitcom,
Mr Steinsburgbrenner, businessman,
David Steinberg, actual comedian, same name as a oppidum Steinsburg,
John Steinsburgbeck, Author
Pull the Dun Otter one,
Men's Basketball Shaq Tap' o Noth O Neal,
St Michael's Mount Jordan,
Le Tene Dinas Bron James, Kemba Walker as in Hillfort walkers) Gelabale,St Mickaël 's Mount, Troy Caterthun Brown Junior, Derrick White Caterthun, Tyger British Campbell, Bobby Joe Hill fort, Duncan Robinson,
Then Women's, Elle Della Donne Ottar, Dunnottar, basketball,
Kellyheim Kelly Kelheim Schumacher basketball, Kyleeheim Shook,
Lauren Jackslingstone as well, or Berwick Lawren Jackson, Dunluce Leslie (well it sounds a bit like a shortened version of Lisa, Amber Hall statt, Viki Hallstatt, Akelheim Maize, Rath Riley, Liz Mull of Galloway McQuitter, Lin Dunn, Mont Saint Michelle Timms, Pat Head Summit, Kaera Caradoc Wolters, Alesia Coates, Isayeaveringbell Harrison, Traprain Lawren Cox, USA,
Babe Rathcroghan Baseball,
Seth Rathcroghan Comedian,
PieštvÄ— Davis, Snooker
Luciano Pa Varoti
Countisbury Dracula Hillfort
Countisbury of Mountecristo, Hillfort,
Countisbury Sesame Street Castle Hillfort
Scarbough Fair Castle Hillfort
Tre'r Vor Noah Ceiri,
Ben Griam Beg edict Cumberbatch,
Dun Aengus Imrie,
Ben Griam Beg Fogle
Cricket team,
John Brad Bradbury Castle Man, John Llanmellin Hazelwood, Ben Griam beg, Stokes, Colin Castro De Barona, Grandhomme, Richie Berr ffington Castle, PieštvÄ— Smith, Ab Castro De Barona, Villiers, St Michael's Mount Clarke, Kumar Sanga ka er y Twr, Sachin TendulCaer Y Twr Hillfort, PieštvÄ— Waugh, Viv Rich Shards of pottery, Sunil Gavas kaer Drewyn, Gaerry Fawr Sobers, Peter May Dun Castle, Clem Hill fort, Moel Arthur Shrewsbury, AG Steel Sword, Wa Caer Caeradoc Younis, Gra ham Bledon Hill Gooch, Ray IngleIllingborough camp worth,
Madonna den Castle, Singer,
Traprainn Loren Aldred, singer, ,
Roundhouse of Hapsburg
Roundhouse of Windsor
RoiundHouse Hugh Traprain Lawrie
Sir King Moel Arthur Conan O Brian Connolly Doyle, ( I went over board there)
Barry White Catherthun Singer,
Frank Dinas Bruno , Boxer,
G oldbury Camp Hillfort , Lord of the rings,
I am just off to see Mam Tor and Pa,
Scratchbury Camp my nose
Don't Scratchybury Camp my car
Itchy and Scratchbury Camp (Simpsons)
Cissbury and Scratchbury Camp Hillforts
Brad grain Pitt (as in to store grains ) Matinee idol,
Trarprain Law full wedded wife,
D H Traprain Lawrence
Traprain man Law, Movie,
It's trap raining men law, song,
Arcade Fire, Keep the Caer Caradoc Running
Kiss the Traprain Law, song, Billie Myers,
Traprain on me, song
Its Trapraining cats and dogs,
The Traprain Law falls mainly on the plain,
People in glasshouses should not throw Dumbarton Rock,
Dumbarton Rocket Man - Elton John
Dumbarton Rocky Horror Show
Black Rocks Parade Hillfort, MCR
Crowded Roundhouse, Message to my girl
Trap singing in the rain Law,
then from Star Wars,
Jabba the Roundhutt, (Star Wars) , And a little known hillfort outside it's locality, Captain's Kirk's Hill, in the Scottish borders, turned into a star trek character name.
Children's comic character, Tintintagel,
Burghead King hamburgers
Then esteemed TV show of USA, Actress Angela Lans Bury Hill Hillfort, (Murder she wrote) and Halle Bury, (a pun on Halle Bury and Halleburg, the Swedish fort,
Author, John Gris hambledon Hill,
Baseball St Michaels Mickey Mantle Mount
Women's football, Claire Duggan ( Digging at hillforts) H jill fort Scott, Also Lucy Bronze Age, Ellen White Catherhuns, Dun Lucy Graham, (All England) and Fiona Brown Caterthuns, (Scotland) and then mostly USA Mia Hambledon Hill, Mont Sant Michelle Ackers, Crystal Dunn, Caerli Caradoc Lloyd, Heather O' Tap o Noth Reilly, Hope Solo, as there is a hillfort elements at Caergwrle castle, near Hope, Alex Morgan, as of Alesia, sounds a bit like it, or Alex Rath Morgan also Becky Sauerbrunn Caterthuns, then also Carly Telford and the Wrekin (England) Kellyheim (Kelheim) Roebuck, (England)
Craig Rhiwarth Horwood (Dancer)
Iso Yeavering Bell Pooley High Jump Northumberland
Dick Fos Bury Walls Hillfort ( High Jump ) , Shropshire
Women's Indoor Volleyball, Caer Kaersta Lowe Caradoc,(USA) Hayleigh Wash Uff ington Castle, United states Womens volleyball team) Heather Bown, (Lots of heather on forts, and it is brown, so like bown almost) USA Kim Hill fort, USA Sheilla Castro, Brazil E Caterhun ina Gamova, Russia, Rachael Dunadd ams, USA, Kimsbury Camp Yeon-koung,South korea, E Cater thuns Efmova, Russia, Thaisa Daher Caterthun Menezes, Brazil, and Fabiano Claudinho, as a lot of hillforts are in the clouds. Brazil, Mary Loughbrickland Crannog, USA, Monica "Castro De Barona" De Gennaro (Italy), Dunlouisa Lippmann, (Germany) as in Dunluce, Dinas Brankica Mihalovic (Serbia) Kellyheim Murphy, USA, Kelly Robinslingstosone (USA) Dunanna Stencel Add (Poland) Cloudia Alagieska as in clouds, these high hills, (Poland) Monica Legg Tre'r Ceiri, (Italy) Alliesia Stumler, USA Nataliya Gonchorova as in throwing sligstones over ditches, (Russia)
Alesia Orro, (Italia) Brenda Castello, Becca Allik Banks (USA) (Dominican Republic) Alessia Gennari (Italy), Mai _Den Castle_ Yamaguchi, (Japan), Sa-nee Kimsbury Camp (South Korea), Hae Ran Kim sbury Camp,(South Korea) Hye Jin Kim sbury Camp,(South Korea) Hee Jin Kimsbury Camp, (South Korea), Catherthun Radzuweit (German) Catherthun Molitor (Germany) Yuan Xinyuleybury (China) Zhao Rurruibislaw, (China) Lesno "Emain Macha" Makno (Russia) E Kat erthun, Kabeshova, Russia, Eda Erdem Dunbar Dündar Turkey Lindsay BergHead (USA), Chiaka Og bog of Dunad Hillfort u, (USA) JorDun Aengus Thompson, (USA) Megan Caherconree Promontory Fort (USA) JusDun Won Aengus Orantes (USA) Ci Mont Sant Michel, (Team GB) Annie Drews a hillfort plan maps (USA) Grace LoHeidelburg (USA) Clare Camp Chaussee (USA) Kaylee Lundinium (USA) Bria Ham Hill Ton, (USA) Allysia Batenhorst (USA) Lind Sea cliffs Krause of Dun (USA) Aengus (USA) Molly Gaer Phillips (USA)
Now back to the Dun Ottar ones,
Emain Macha on Holmes (Presenter)
Staffelberg Graff Tennis
Dug las Adams (Writer)
Traprain Larwence Llewellyn Bowen,
Mariafe Artacho Castro Del Barona Solar, Beach Volleyball
Maidennis Taylor Castle (Snooker)
Mont Sabrina SantaMaria Michelle, Tennis
Mari astiebury Drazic Tennis,
Ingleborough Humperdiink, 1960s Musician, I mean Engelburt Humperdink,
Ingleborough Humperdiink, Musician, I mean Humperdink, 19th Century composer, I give this one, as itis 2, 🥈 Silver Medal ..for the plays on names, I have here,
JK Rowlingborough Camp, author,
The Caer Caradoc's the star (Tv series)
MC Maiden Castle Hammer, rapper,
MaiDennis Waterman Castle Actor
Toy Car Caradoc,
Computer game Command and ConCaer Caradoc
Caer Cardoctor Who
Caer Caradocr Frankenstein
Dumbarton Kid Rock,
Pushing Dumbarton rock up a hill
Dumbarton Rocket launcher
November Traprain Law, Aerosmith,
Dumbarton Rocket Ship
Rocket base Dumbarton
Dumbarton Rock, scissors, and paper
Dumbarton Rock and Roll music
Comedian Conan O Tap o noth o Brien,
Victor Borge head, comedian, pianist,
Purple Traprain Law, Prince,
Sgt Dumbarton Rock is going to help me,
Sandi Moredunis, Pole vault,
Tyra Wincobanks Hillfort model
Wincobank of England Hillfort,
Romancing Rig the Stone
Bronte British Campbell, Swimmer,
Wreckin ball the song
Wincobank Commander Hillfort of the RAF, (Good as the UK defence forces has anti aircraft guns there in the wars) 🥇 I give this one first place of these plays on names,
The Roman Camp Empire
Roman Rig Empire,
Roman Road Empire,
The White and Brown Caerthun Hillforts tour, , putting the Fun back into hillforts,
British Cate Campbell, Swimmer
Carls Wark hillfort, in Yorkshire as Karlie Kloss walk Hillfort,
A white and brown cat having fun, hillfort,
Prehistory ship league, (football tier)
Cate Caesars Campbell Hillfort, swimmer
Caesar Camp Chiefs, band,
I have a sport section team names for the Dun Ottar version of that name,
Spoonerism special
Baiden Mower - Maiden Bower,
Howsbury Mill Hillfort
Halbury Will,
Hillsby Hellfort,
Caiden Mastle
Tam Mor,
Crittish Bamp,
Hunadd Dillfort
Rumbarton Dock,
Hurghead Billfort
Nap o'Toth
Cadbury Castle
Hap o'Noth Tillfort
Cre'r Teiri,
Goel y Maer
Taer y Cwr,
Hastle Cennlys
Caiden Mastle, Cheshire,
Whe Trekin
Fhe Toel
Henycloddiau Pillfort
Binas Dran
And back to the normal ones again,
Duncan ScOTTAr, Swimmer,
Chris Dun Evans, Highlands, after Dun Evan,,
Janet's Brae Jackson, Singer,
Archaengelology novel Robert Harris
And the band Snow Patrol, or well hills are more likely to have snow, so patrolling there then there hillforts up high, but here is my mangled attempt at, the whole band.
Y Gawr Lightbody
J onny top of Quinnlochmuir Hillfort
Navan Hillfort Connolly
Paul Willlapark Son Hillfort
Johnny McDaid Dens Castle
Past members
St Michael's Mount Morrison
Mark Mc Titterstone Clee Hill lland
and Tom An Iasgaire Hillfort Simpson
They could do, Snow Patrol's Chasing Caers,
And working with Cold Sarum Play,
Back to what I was doing there, before that
PieštvÄ— Martin comedian,
PieštvÄ— Colbert comedian,
Yes there is a hillfort called PieštvÄ—
Adam Hills fort, Comedian,
George Caerlin, comedian,
Pencilycloddiau Hillfort
Pen y cloddiau hillfort
Seionoid Mcinglebough Camptosh Scottish Commonwealth games
Lindsaey Haydengrabenward, Actress
Roldybury Camp wen Atkinson
Ed ward inburgh Scissorhands Castle
The Rock of Dumbarton and Roll years,
Rock of Dumbarton Hudson,
Ingrid Heideburgman,
Hamden Hill Stadium, like in Glasgow, Ham Sandwich Hill Hillfort, Ham Hock Hill, plus Ham Roll Hillfort and Ham Bun and Ham Ciabetta and ham and pickle crackers hillfort, maybe at the same buffet try some Tap Water o Noth, some Caesar's Camp Salad, and some Cadbury Castle Milk chocolates, and some Dundee Law cake, and some Danish Camp, maybe just maybe with some Dundee Law Marmalade, And maybe a side helping of Rubi slaw, as slaw is what the Americans call coleslaw, I call it coleslaw, but that is after Rubislaw Hillfort near Hawick. Also some Pork Scractingsbury Camp, Plus some Dumbarton Rock salad, Plus maybe some Dumbarton Rock cakes, and a stick of Dumbarton Rock, And some for over 18s or more only, and not anybody driving, and only for some, Scotch on the Dumbarton Rocks,
Some Brusseltown Ring sprouts, a helping of Spinansch Hill, and a Tintagel of sweetcorn and Tinoran of beans. Plus I can not resist a Tin tagel of Tomato Soup,
Plus some Devilled Eggs dyke,
so anyway,
Plus mabye a slice of Dun Aberdeen Aengus beef,
Or even some
Ras bury flavoured ice lollies
Or maybe a Kit Catherthun, chocolate bar,
Or straw oldbury hillfort and cream
Did I mention Christmas Castle Cake, or Mulled wine of Galloway hillfort, or some Ir'n Age Brew instead of Itoday's popular r'n bru, ,
Maybe some Duns iceburg lettuce, or
Also Back in black Rocks fort, ACDC,
And Black rock forts Sabbath,
Ringsbury Camp is a hillfort so Rings Bury a bell Camponology,
Carn Na Sean-chreag Connery
Sean Carnery Na Sean-chreag
Carn Na Sean-chreag the sheep
Dundee Law raine Kelly
Dundee Law Rain Kelly Utd
Dundee Law courts
Dundee LAw man
Dundee Law and Action, TV Programme,
Dundee Law and Justice TV programme
Dundee in the name of the Law
Dundee the Law of Gravity
Dundee Lawful activity
Dundee L Awful puns by me,
Dundee Lucy Lawless Actress,
Dundee Irish stew in the name of the law
Everybody's Coming to My Roundhouse David Byrne,
Iron Age Roundhouse music
Everybody in the Iron Ages times Roundhouse, say "yeah"a song,
Paul White Caterhun house
Harry En a field with a hillfort in ,
Keep Rock of Dumbartin the free world, Neil Young,
Mither Tapping noise,
Traprain Mother in Law
Dundee brother in Law
Berwick father in law
Duns daughter in law
Norman's son in law
King of the hills seat , fort,
Cadair Artur,
Mesa Artur, Hillfort,
Hownam's Sister in Law,
Dune Castle, Doune Castle,
Black Books Rock fort, the sitcom,
Rincewindbury Hillfort, Discworld,
Waylan Smithers Neolithic monument,
Madness, My Iron Age Roundhouse,
Madness, I like driving in my Caer Caradoc (All the others have mainly been referring to the major one in Shropshire, but this one, refers, to the less famous one in the same county, in terms of using the name of that fort,
Claudia Winkobankman,Television Presenter,
Great Dane bury a bone Camp,
Paramore's Bury the Maiden Castle (Bury is a castle term)
Danebury Bowers Singer
Danebury Cook, US comedian
Danebury Baptiste Comedian
Maiden Castle Marian
Arthur' seat's Askey, comedian
Moel Arthur Lowe, actor
John Traprain Lawrie, actor
Josie Traprain Lawrence, comedienne,
Rain Trap Law, Hillfort, device,
School House Rock of Dumbarton,
Dumbarton Rock of Ages,
Ed Sheeran burgh Castle
Foyle's Fenli War
Dont forget the interesting hillfort Aengus
Foyled Fenlli your plan
Mole on my face Fennli
Its a huge hill, certainly not a mole Hill, Fenlli,
On a different subject, not related,
The man is a Cad and a bounder, bury castle hillfort.
And from gangs of New York, plus for real in Ireland, Liverpool, and the Eastern United States, including New York, and Pennysylvian, The Moel y MacGuires, 4th Place, just missed out on a medal on my plays on words, 🥉🥉
And Canadian singer Moel y McGuire,so equal 4th, though only on coat tails, plus the USA band Molly Maguire, of the 1990s, who made songs such as Coin Toss, and were with Epic records, and the Irish folk band, the Molly Maguires, and the film starring Sean Connery and Richard Harris, a USA baseball side called the Cleveland Molly Maguires and and the Irish Rovers song, 🥉🥉
Edward dinburgh Castle Norton,
Fifa 100 BC the computer game,
NHL Hockey 100 BC
Joe Maidden Castle, NFL, most of my Maiden Castle ones refer to the Dorset one, but maybe some refer to others, and perhaps all the others, have one referring to them, or not, or refer to mainly the Dorset one, plus also interchangeably the others, but some refer just to the Dorset one.
Old Saruman, Lord of the Rings
Old Navy Oswestry Camp, aftershave,
Sir Richard Win cobank
Henry Wink cobank ler, Happy Days
The Daneburys hate to see it leave,
Caer Caradocadile Dundee
Look after the Pennycloddiaus and the Poundbury hillforts will look after themselves,
A pennycloddiau for your hillforts,
Big bury Daddy Camp.
In for a Pennycloddiau, in for a Poundbury Hillfort,
Dumbarton Fraggle Rock
Gummi Gaers, cartoon
The Dumbarton Rock of Gibraltar,
Alesia Dixon Singer
The Danebury Law, legal definition,
Tap o'north by North West ( The Movie )
Danebury Ringo star, beatles,
The Rock Mountain Range,
Jack Black Rock's fort, actor
Dumbarton Rocky Balboa,
MouseTrap Rain Law,
Trapdoor Rain law,
I love Dumbarton rock n rollin,
Mr Ed inburgh Castle, horse,
Candle in the Windbury Hillfort,
The Gaer Fawr Gatsby
We have nothing to Gaer Fawr but Gaer Fawr itself, FDR,
Black and and White the computer game, as Black and White Caterhuns,
Iron Age Mine, craft,
Roblox across a stream, as of less bridges,
Christopher Walbury Camp ken,
Alesia Fox
Alesia Molik
Alesia Morel
Alesia Holiday
Alesia Felix, runner,
Made in a Castle,
Made in a castle, England,
Maiden Britain,
You've heard of Murphy Law, well Fife has Norman's Law Hillfort
CassiniLaw Hillfort, Edinburgh
Frances Urquhart Castle (House of Cards)
Traprain Second Law of Thermodynamics
M Aidan Castle Quinn Actor
Madness - Roundhouse of fun,
Pet Shop Boys, Old Oswestry end girls or girl
Christina Perri - A thousand years of Iron Age history, ,
Victoria Beck Ham Hill,
A Tristan Garrel Jones at a ancient hillfort
Alesia Krauss, singer,
Mark Walbury Camp burgh
Alesia Silverstone, actress
Alesia in Wonderland, book
Alesia in Wonderland, film,
Mad Roundhutters tea party,
Alesia in Chains, band,
Alesia Keys, singer
Alesia Morisette, Singer famous 1990s
Alesia Jay, model
Alesia Cooper, Singer,
Keliheim Holmes Runner,
Frankenbury Deteri, (Jockey)
Kaiser's Camp Sose,
The Rock of Dunmasse around the clock tonight, Chubby Checker,
The Dumbarton Rockaby Baby,
The Dumbarton Rocky Hooror Picture show,
The Traprain Law , of the Jungle,
The Berwick Law of the jungle,
The Dundee Law of the Jungle
The Norman Law of the Jungle,
Traprain Lawrence of Arabia,
Dumbarton Cardinal Rockalieu (Muskateers)
Aguine the rath of God, (Movie)
I capture the Maiden Castle (Movie)
1984 BC (Movie) George Orwell
The Economist's the World Ahead, 250 BC,
Guiness Book of Records 100 BC edition,
I'm dreaming of a White Caterthun Christmas Castle Hillfort
Playfair football annual 100 BC edition
Archaological term, Punxsutawney back Phil
White Catherthuns Stripes
Caer Bears Caradoc
Helsby Hill Boy superhero
Top Gaer Fawr
Marian Frith Faithful,
Marion Ffrith, Journalist
Made Marian Frith and her Merry Men, by Tony Robinson,
Edna inburgh Everidge Castle
Last Castell Nadolig (As Nadolig is Christmas in Welsh)
Fifth Gaer Fawr,
Bike Gaer Fawrs
I caerau
Castell Nadolig in New York
Snow White Catherthuns
The Catherhuns in the hat,
Maiden Castle of honour
May Day den castle,
Do they know it's Castell Nadolig or Christmas Hillfort,
Easter Hill of Eden
The Grinch who stole Christmas Castle Hillfort,
Christmas Hillfort Carol
Only fools and Horses Christmas Castle Hillfort Special ,
Norman's Macdonald Law,
A Christmas Hillfort Miracle,
Christmas Castle Hillfort cards,
Christmas Castle Carols Hillfort,
Christmas Castle Cake, Hillfort
Christmas Castle Tree,
Wayland Smithers the Simpsons,
So in the 1970s there was the 2 Ronnie's, well in hillforts, the French may feel Trois Ceiri, is the three Kerri's, and the Italians Trei Ceiri
Father Christmas Castle,
Christmas Castle Hillfort Number One,
It's Christmas Castle Hillfort, Slade,
Carry on British Camping
Caerry on Caradoc up the Khyber
Frankebury Bridge, singer,
Wolfbloodgate camp
Gretna Thunberg Service station hillfort,
Edwina Currie burgh hillfort,
Ed of the organisation in burgh Hillfort,
British Camp site, for tents
Summer British Camp Island, TV cartoons,
Frankebury Skinner, comedian,
Mulling over things Gallloway Hillfort Enclosure
David Badburydeal, comedian,
Cleveland Brown Catherthuns
Rintintintagel, dog,
We Will We Will, Dumbarton Rock you, Queen
Old Oswald's Tree,
Seven Ways for Seven Brothers, Hillfort, ,
7 Brides for 7 brothers ways plain,
Pa ss the rugby ball Pa,
Wharton Daniel Craig, 007,
Pa Patrol, Yellowsubmarine berries copse
Coldplay's Yellowberries Copse,
Trapreining champions of the league, Law,
Trap Reign over us, law
Trap Reigning world champion Law
Trap reining in the horses Law,
Pa nini football annuals,
Alessia Molik Australian 2000s Tennis player,
Chris Rock of Dumbarton Castle
Will The Age of Greek Smythology
Space Oddysey 2001 BC
Emain Mac the knife (Song)
The Dunlendish characters of lord of the rings, as in Duns, or hillforts
And the Dunedain, as in Maiden before both,
Raging Bull motifs of Burghead, (Movie)
Its only black rocks fort and roll but I like it,
To Caesar's Camp what is Caesar's Camp,
Edmund Hillfort-ary, mountaineer,
MaidDunald Sutherland Castle
Kellyheim's Heroes, Oddball war movie,
Maid Dennis Norden Castle
The Caterfun hillforts, putting the fun in Hforts
Moel Arthur Dent, Hitchikers Guide,
Britneyish Camp Spiers Hillfort,
Britney Spears Hillfort
Frankenbury Machine Cartridge (Franking is a 2000s to 2020s, maybe earlier method of companies franking instead of stamping envelopes to not have to buy stamps, using a special machine to ink them)
The land of Old Oz westry Hillfort, or Old Ozwestry,
How the Old Oswestry Hillfort was won,
Once Upon a time in the Old Oswestry Hillfort
North by North Old Oswestry Hillfort,
Tsarecvich Egg Camp,
Now a interuption,
but back to this afterwards.
So here is the best poem I ever have wrote.
Its called
Lets get set
Here we go lets get set
This poem is in Europe where it is set
I hope it will be read by the clever set
And is about a word, for which a record is set
If I write more, it will be in a set
If that number totals three, that is termed a set
It was finished before the sun set
Timed well as my watch was set
Before local badgers left their set
Or bees saw flowers close whose seeds had set
But after glue on this pen set
Which snapped in a tennis match tight set
Watched by many on a TV set
After which one player needed a broken leg to set
Felled as if cursed by the Egyptian God set
So whatever you do, whether buying stuff with secure payment protocol, code name set
Or even list collected values without particular order, what mathematicians call a set
I say what a word is set
Now back to what I was upto,
Winter Wonderland, cobank Hillfort,
Traprain Jennifer Lawrence
Taylor Swift album 1989 BC
The Wreckin of the Titanic
The Brittish Camp Empire,
Stephen Castell Henllys Dry Snooker
Mitch Heuneburg Comedian, as in Hedburg,
St Michael's Mount Macintyre, Comedian
Frasier Crane's Fort, it's the name of a fort in Northern England, minus Frasier,
Castell Henllysry Grenfell, 19th Century governor of the Bank of England,
Ham Hill ton Racecourse.
John Berwick Law, character, as in John Wick, Debussy's The Maiden Castle with the flaxen hair,
Red Car Yellow Caradaoc Blue car, Pink Caradaoc Blue car brown Caradoc
If you Scratchbury Camp my back, I will Scratchbury Camp yours,
Mam Tor Arne Hetland - Winter sports
Mam Tor Sjogren - Musician,
John Hamp Hill den, 17th Century Tax rebel /hero to some at the time,,
Caers Caers Caeradocs, as in Cars cars cars
Caers, 2000s animated movie,
Race Caers, a kind of vehcile.
Turn the Tap of Noth oiff to save water,
Mither Tap wheres my washboard Fast Castle show,
"It meant Tap O nothing to me, Oh Vienna"
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a Tap o' Noth,. As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door
Jimmy Eat World 555 AD
Bwrdd Artur Smith, comedian,
Sam Brown Caterthun - Stop, singer
Jessie J Anno Domino
Coca Agri cola,
Pepsi Agri Cola,
Budget agri cola,
Dr Pepper agri cola
Cherry Agri Cola,
Diet Agri Cola,
Danebury Will Forte, SNL Actor, this one gets 4th place equal,
Maiden Mac Castle
Close the Gate Pa, 4th equal place,
Close the Gate Ma,
Close the Gate son,
Close the Gate daughter,
Tell your friend to close the Gate, or the dog may escape,
DUNE Aengus, movie
Dr Carlisle Caradoc Cullen, Twilight
I hang my Burghead Jonny Cash,
Blue Melon, No Traprain Law,
Danebury Phillfort cool, 1980s comedian,
Paul Duns Law rie, golfer
Prince Phillfort ip, Royal figure late 20th C,
May Den Castle, a den use in May for playing, games,
Classical Civilisations music,
Madness den Castle
The Final Countessbury Hillfort, Countdown, Europe,
Fast Caereddin, Tracy Chapman,
Police Caer Caradoc
Sport team special
Dundee Law FC
Dundee Law United FC
Aber Brough of Dee r ness, Orkney Islands
King's Seat, Perth and Kinross, The Fort of the Caledonians, so the Fort of the Inverness Caledonians Thistles,
Dun Aengus Fermline AThletic
HamHillton Academical
Ancient Hibernians
GreeKnockaulin Hillfort Morton,
Hillmarnock Fort FC
NewMaidenCastle United
South Ham Hill ton FC
Tottenham Hill Hotspur FC
Ham Hull City FC
Tap o Noth Hampton Town FC
Caer lilse United FC
Preston Tap O Noth End FC
Oswestry Bromwich Albion
Bury FC
Banks and Ditches of Dee,
Dumbarton FC
Bradbury Ford City FC
Middles of Ingleborough Camp,
Sunderland Hillfort
WrexHam Hill
WimblDun Aengus
Milton Keynes Mai Duns
ShrewsCadbury Town FC
Long Barrow FC
Pereborough Castle United
Southend Hill Town FC,
FulHam Hill
MILLWALLbury Castle
Oldwestry Ham Hill Athletic
Sutton Hoo United
Wal bury sall
WrexHam Hill,
Swin Maidon don Town
Caerau marthaen Town
Caer Caradoc Dif City
Chicago Bulls Motifs of Burghead
Inter Caerau diff
Atalantis Dream, WNBA
Roma n empire, Serie A
Ajax Amsterdamm (This is a trick)
Golden Burys State Celtic Warriors, NBA,
Munich 1860 BC
Indiacropolis Colts, NFL,
Indianapolis Celts, NFL,
Dundalk FC, well they are,
Borussia Hilldort Mund
Atlantis United, MLS
Dun Francisco 49 BCers
Ottawa Mam SenaTors, Baseball
Philadelphia 76 bc ers, NBA
Pittsburghhead Penguins, ice hockey,
PittsIngleburgh Steelers, NFL,
Chicago White Cater Fun Sox, MLB
Caesar Camp Chiefs, South Africa,
Celtic Warriors Dragons, netball,,
Pretorias Bulls of Burghead,
Cleveland Moel Y Gaers Baseball (See above)
Belfast Celtic Warriors football like most
Trap Coleraine Law
Agri colo colo, (Chile)
Dun Aengus dalk United
Parisi St Germain
SV Ham Hill burg
Nashville Predators bery hills
Kansan City Dunadd Royal ceremonial site
And lastly Rugby league, Wigan Celtic warriors,
Holywell Town FC, the wells in certain hillforts,
Castro de vilha nova de SAo Pedro Louis Cardinals,
Iron Age War riorington Rovers,
Leagues, and competitions.
The Celtic Warriors, League, the league had 2 of those in its name in 2002 -2011, did the Rugby Union United Championships, when it only had Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
Plus the 2011 Celtic Warriors Cup, the comp between Eire, Sco, Wales, and Nire, in 2011, football.
Golf courses
Caernoustie, Fife
and Mont Sant Michelle Andrews
Tennis Competitions
Wimble Dun Tennis Championships
Gaulish Open
Silicon Valley Classical Civilisations Open,
Football stadium special,
Grain Pitt odrie Hillfort
Fort of the Caledonians Stadium
HAMpden Hill,
Duns Park,
Fir Hillfort Stadium
New Dug a ditch Las Park Stadium
Tyencastle Hillfort Stadium
Gala Banks for ramparts hillfort
MeadowBanks and ditches stadium
Ingle Borough brigs stadium
Fortbanks and palisades fort stadium
Broad Llanmelin Wood Stadium
Celtic Warriors Park
Ibrox Parking a chariot
Murray coin hoard in a field,
1st Mlllenium BC stadium
Old Oswestry Trafford Stadium
Roman Villa Park,
Battle of Stamford Bridge Stadium
Tottenham Hill Hotspurs stadium
Cov en trees used to build pallisades stadium,
The Dun, Millwall,
Park Hill Camp Avenue Stadium (Aberystwyth Town)
Mayden Bower Fold Stadium,
Berns walk er Beu,
Danebury Camp Nou
Twicken ham Hill Stadium.,
Cetiic Arrowhead stadium
Caesars Camp Superdome
Dunbarton Football stadium
Caer Maradocana Stadium
Ancient Olympics Stadium Rome.,
Gala Banks and Ditches Annan Athletic,
Castro of San Siro Cibrao de Las
Wembury stadium,
Ncknames, or knicknames as I miss spell
The Duns, of Aberdeen,
The Caledonian tribesmen Jags
The Iron Age Celts
The Gers Fawrs
The Well of Gurness, Motherwell,
The Blue Brasil
The Irons Agers of West Ham
The Beaker people Potters, Stpoke,
The Yellowberries Submarine, Vilareal,
The White Catherhuns of Real Madrid
Back to the others, Again
F1 fast Caer Caradog race
Caer Caradogs and cats
Moley Gaer out of the animals of Farthing wood.
Dude where's my Caer, movie,
Bouncy Maiden Castle
Two roads diverged in a woodBury Camp, and I, I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.
Yewburgh Camp Talikin to me,
Chris Yeavering bell banks Bank, Boxer
Chris yeavering bell Banks, Tennis player, could be the name for the ramparts on Yeavering Bell
Caesar size bed camp, its one larger than a Super king size bed, huge,
Pa ul Fort Hillf ort French Poet
The Secret Diary of Hadrians Wall, aged 1880 and 3 quarters by Sue Townsend,
The Secret diary of Antonine's wall aged 1840
The secret diary of the Great Wall of China,
The Secret diary of the Berlin Wall., Pennyclodiau from the Big Bang Theory
Welcome welcome to Llanemelin Wood, (Like the Hollywood song)
Welcome Welcome to Woodbury Camp (+),
Any old Iron Any old Iron any any any old Iron Age, as that old Music hall song went.
May Dirty Den Castle of Eastenders.
Great British Camp Castle
Great British Isles Camp Castle
British Columbia Camp
As the hillfort loving 1960s comedian said, My Traprain in Law, is so, ...(Like Mother in law) .
Where is my Dunmallet to knock in this fence,
Dunmallard T Duck cartoon character
Dun Mallard Train
Timmy Dunmallet
Where does a man go to get his haircut who likes castles and hillforts, Ur cut Castle, the one in the Highlands, Scotland,
What do you call a duck at Ullswater by Pooley Bridge, a Dun Mallard, and there are some, as tourists feed them,
Wartorn crag,,
Wharton Cragg Business school,
Caer Caradoc, Chapelle Lawn, comedian
Between a Dumbarton Rock and hard Place.
Traprain Law and Order, Television shows
Rob Breidon Hill, or Rob Bredon Hill, or Rob Breddon Hill, South Walian Comedian, name must be based on a fort in some origin,
Star Wars star, Mark Ham Hill, aka Luke Skywalker,
Torwoodlee and Dean Broch and Hillfort, Figure skaters,
Mam actoresses,
Eve MuirBurghead, Curling,
Old Ozzie Ozbourne Westry Castle,
Get your Caerry Case a item to carry stuff
Get Caerter Movie, instead of Get Carter,
Plus of course F1 champion, Lewis Ham Hill ton.
Wayland Smithy, the Simpsons,
And George Ham Hill ton, the actor of course
And successful Musical, Ham Hill ton,
Ming Caesar's Campbell athlete
Rebecca Banks, is a name of a writer, and Becca Banks is the name of a line of defences in Northern England,
Paul McArtney's Mull of Kintyre of Galloway,
And lastly the not wrath, but Grapes of rath, as in Steinbeck, and Star Wars classic, The Rath of Khan, as in some raths are hillforts.
I could od a Ive been everywhere man to the names of hillforts, also We didnt start the fire and The Waters of March,
Now a long name of continuous hillfort names linked together, Maiden Castle Idris, or British Camp d'Atilla, or Mam Torwoodlee Hillfort point, itterstone clee burf, oel y gaer fawr, or British Camp Not a great effort but my best I could do, A fort is called Fort point South West Scotland,
So thats all on Hillforts for that bit.
What does this word mean in Morse code,
.... .. .-.. .-.. ..-. --- .-. -
The Answer is Hillfort